Academic Catalog

Mathematics (M.S.)

The M.S. in Mathematics is the most rigorous program at the Master’s level and is designed for students who intend to study at the Ph.D. level in mathematical sciences, as well as for other students who are looking for a challenge.

Admission Requirements

Admission to this program is contingent upon admission to the Graduate School.

The entrance requirements for the MS in Mathematics program include successful completion of course work equivalent to the following:

Calculus sequence:
Calculus I
Calculus II
Calculus III
MAT 2250Elementary Linear Algebra3
MAT 2150Differential Equations and Matrix Algebra4
or MAT 2350 Elementary Differential Equations
MAT 5070Elementary Analysis4
MAT 5420Algebra I4

As preparation for graduate study, the Department of Mathematics strongly recommends undergraduate course work along the line of the Prospective Graduate Study Concentration, described in the Mathematics B.A. and B.S. degree programs in the Undergraduate Bulletin.

Program Requirements

The Master of Science in Mathematics is offered under the following options:

Plan A: Twenty-six credits in course work plus an eight credit thesis.

Plan B: Twenty-nine credits in course work plus a three credit essay.

Plan C: Thirty-two credits in course work.

Degree Requirements

At least twenty-four credits in course work from the Department of Mathematics, including credits earned toward a thesis or essay under Plan A or Plan B options.
Select one of the following (if not previously completed):
Algebra I
and Algebra II
and Advanced Linear Algebra
Advanced Linear Algebra
and Advanced Algebra I
Select one of the following (if not previously taken):
Introduction to Analysis I
and Introduction to Analysis II
and Complex Analysis
Complex Analysis
and Real Analysis I
Select one of the following:
Topology I (if not previously taken)
Topology II
Select at least two of the following (other courses may be approved by the Departmental Graduate Committee on an individual basis):
Statistical Computing and Data Analysis
Numerical Methods I
Numerical Methods II
Advanced Calculus
Partial Differential Equations
Complex Variables and Applications
Methods of Differential Equations
Elementary Theory of Numbers
Applied Linear Algebra
Introduction to Topology
Elementary Differential Geometry and its Applications
Introduction to Probability Theory
Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Mathematical Models in Operations Research
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
Methods of Optimization
Applied Regression Analysis
Ordinary Differential Equations
Partial Differential Equations
Finite Element Methods
Advanced Partial Differential Equations
Advanced Algebra I
Advanced Algebra II
Topology II
Algebraic Topology I
Algebraic Topology II
Real Analysis I
Real Analysis II
Advanced Probability Theory I
Advanced Statistics Theory I
Advanced Statistics Theory II

A final oral examination. All students in Plan C are required to take this examination. Students in Plan A or B may, upon recommendation of the thesis or essay adviser, be excused from the final oral examination by the Departmental Graduate Committee.

A public lecture on the thesis or essay for each student in Plan A or Plan B.

By the time twelve credits have been earned, each student must submit a Plan of Work, approved by a departmental adviser, to the director of the program. In the Plan of Work, the student must choose Plan A, Plan B, or Plan C. The Plan of Work must be approved by the Departmental Graduate Committee, at which time the student will be advanced to candidacy. Students are not allowed to take more than twelve credits in the program unless candidacy has been established.

NOTE: Candidates for the Master of Science in Mathematics are exempt from the requirement of the Graduate School that six credits in the major field must be in courses numbered 7000 and above.

NOTE: The following courses cannot be applied towards this degree:

MAT 5070Elementary Analysis4
MAT 6130Discrete Mathematics 3
MAT 6140Geometry: An Axiomatic Approach3
MAT 6150Probability and Statistics for Teachers4
MAT 6200Teaching Arithmetic, Algebra and Functions from an Advanced Perspective3
MAT 6210Teaching Geometry, Probability and Statistics, and Discrete Mathematics from an Advanced Perspective3
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