Academic Catalog

Peace and Security Studies (Graduate Certificate)

An admissions moratorium is currently in effect for this program.

The surge of violent disputes, civil disruption, military campaigns, human rights controversies and security concerns worldwide has led to new emphasis on constructive intervention and positive solutions to violent human confrontations. Concern about ethnic tensions, terrorism, border conflict, immigration, weapons flows, alternate security perspectives and violence at home and abroad create a great need for understanding the circumstances and means by which peace is threatened, reinforced, and preserved. On the inter-personal level, issues of abuse, violence and incivility also must be addressed.

Many of these topics now characterize job and career opportunities in a variety of fields. The Graduate Certificate in Peace and Security Studies (GCPSS), offered by the WSU Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, represents a unique added credential, with emphasis on prevention of violence, peaceful borders and social boundaries, for students undertaking Master's level study or who have completed an accredited graduate degree and are looking forward to work in such areas as social service, diplomacy, education, public service, theology, security management and law enforcement.

Admission Requirements

Admission to this program is contingent upon admission to the Graduate School. The GCPSS program is open to students who have been admitted to or completed an accredited Master's degree program in an appropriate discipline at Wayne State University or at another university in this region or Canada. Applicants who have completed a Master's at a non-North American university will be required to submit two letters of academic recommendation, a writing sample, a personal statement indicating the reasons for pursuing the GCPSS, along with evidence, as appropriate, of English proficiency (e.g., TOEFL score). The Director of the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies is the program advisor.


Program Requirements

The GCPSS requires a minimum completion of fifteen credits in peace and security related courses. Up to nine Certificate credits may be applied toward the requirements of a graduate degree.

Two core courses in Peace and Security Studies are required, along with completion for credit of a community based practicum (applied research) or internship (professional training) experience. An additional six elective credits are to be selected from existing courses in a variety of disciplines; one of these courses may come from the student's home Master’s major. Students in the program will be required to maintain at least a 3.0 g.p.a. in Peace and Security studies core and elective courses. Graduate School time limitations on completion of degree or certificate requirements and regulations on the transfer of credits from other programs will apply. The GCPSS is awarded upon completion of the student's M.A./M.S./M.S.W./M.B.A. (or equivalent degree) requirements along with certificate requirements.

Core Requirements
PCS/PS 6100Introduction to Graduate Peace and Security Studies3
PCS 7100Peace Making: Regional, Technological, Transnational Perspectives3
PCS 7800Graduate Practicum in Peace and Security Studies 13
Select six credits of the following: 26
Culture, Diversity and Identity
Culture Area Studies
Communication, Culture, and Conflict
Human Diversity and Human Conflict
Advanced Economics of Race and Gender
Islam and the West
Ethnicity: The Immigrant Experience
Violence and Enforcement
History of World War I and II: A Social and Political History of Two World Wars
Seminar in World Politics
Civil War and Conflict Processes
Equity and Justice
American Labor History
Philosophy of Law
History of Ethics
International Law
Human Rights
Seminar in Social Inequality
Total Credits15

Students in PCS 7800 may undertake fieldwork either in the form of an original applied research project or internship placement in a relevant international or community agency in the Windsor-Detroit areas or abroad, dealing with issues of political or group violence or reconciliation, immigration or with border management. Internship placement may not be paid or be in the student's own place of employment and may not coincide directly with any other internship or practicum in the student's graduate program. The experience must result in a supervisor evaluation and substantial written analysis by the student. PCS 7800 is offered each semester (supervised by members of the PCS Faculty Committee) and should be taken after completing PCS 6100 and PCS 7100


Additional graduate courses related specifically to peace and/or security areas that could satisfy the elective sequence requirement are listed below. Students may petition for acceptance of alternate relevant electives. 

Academic Scholarship: All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the Graduate School and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Assessment: Upon completion of their certificate requirements each student is required to submit a small portfolio of what they consider to be their best work in the program, which will be reviewed as a way of evaluating the program itself. Core course instructors in the program also report on the extent to which assessment goals were reached and will survey the students to determine ways in which course material was or was not utilized in career and everyday life experiences.

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