Academic Catalog

Health and Physical Education Teaching (B.S.)

The B.S. in Health and Physical Education Teaching emphasizes obtaining knowledge in content areas and subdisciplines of Health and Physical Education. Candidates who successfully complete coursework and pass the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification in both content areas receive an initial teaching certificate in Health and Physical Education (grades K - 12) by the Michigan Department of Education.

The curriculum includes: curriculum development for school Health and Physical Education teaching, implementing developmentally appropriate instructional for diverse learners, assessing Health and Physical Education content knowledge and skill proficiency, using instructional technology effectively, and demonstrating the qualities of a professional educator.

The program prepares candidates to meet proficiencies defined in several accreditation standards:

  • The Michigan Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (MI InTASC) Model Core Teaching Standards, adopted by the State Board of Education (SBE) in 2013, define the theoretical and practical knowledge, skills, and dispositions that all entry-level teachers should possess upon completion of an approved teacher preparation program.
  • Michigan-specific content standards define the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the specific discipline(s) in which teacher candidates seek endorsement, as well as pedagogical applications of that disciplinary knowledge.” “Standards for the preparation of Health and Physical Education Teachers in Michigan.”

Admission Requirements

Undergraduate students entering Wayne State University, either from high school or transferring from other universities or colleges, are admitted directly into the Bachelors program. Admission questions should be directed to the Division of Academic Services, College of Education, 489 Education, phone 313-577-1601.

Program Requirements

A minimum of 120 credits are required for completion of this degree: satisfaction of the University General Education Program; All course work must be completed in accordance with the academic procedures of the College of Education and University governing undergraduate scholarship and degrees. All major, minor, and education courses, must be completed with grades of ‘C’ or better and an overall 2.5 grade point average, to meet College graduation requirements. Course changes may occur through periodic curriculum revision and students are urged to consult assigned advisors prior to each registration period to insure that all requirements are met.

Degree Requirements

General Education Program
General Education Program Competencies, Group Requirements, and Wayne Experience35
Health and Physical Education Teaching Level 1 Required Courses (42 credits)
KIN 5100Anatomical and Physiological Bases of Physical Activity3
KIN 6110Motor Learning and Development3
HPE 6120Sports I3
HPE 6140Fitness and Dance3
HPE 6200Management and Instruction in Health and Physical Education3
HPE 6210Curriculum and Instruction in Health and Physical Education3
HPE 6220Technology in Health and Physical Education3
HPE 6230Socio-cultural Issues in Physical Activity3
HPE 6400Physical Activity in Pediatric Disabilities3
HE 6310Reproductive Health Education3
HE 6320Mental Health and Substance Abuse3
HE 6330Health Behavior Change3
HE 6340Advanced Concepts in Health3
HE 6360Performance Based Assessment 3
Health and Physical Education Teaching Electives
Students may select 21 credits of electives from the courses listed below or other electives approved by an advisor.21
Sports II
Adventure and Outdoor Pursuits
Aquatic Leadership
Teaching Adapted Physical Activity and Sport
Teaching Aquatics to Special Populations
Physical Activity Assessment in Special Populations
Leadership Training and Practicum in Adapted Physical Education
History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Teaching Students with Disabilities
Supportive Environments, Engaged Learning
Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling
Health and Physical Education Teaching Level 2 Required Courses (22 credits)
HE 6500Secondary Health Methods3
HPE 6510Elementary Health and Physical Education Methods3
HPE 6520Secondary Physical Education Methods3
HPE 6600Student Teaching and Seminar10
RLL 6121Teaching Literacies across the Content Areas 3
Total Credits120

Adapted Physical Education K-12 Concentration

The Adapted Physical Education K-12 concentration requires 21 credits of coursework, including the following:

Course Required in the HPET Major:
HPE 6400Physical Activity in Pediatric Disabilities3
Courses that are Electives in the HPET Major:
HPE 6410Teaching Adapted Physical Activity and Sport3
HPE 6420Teaching Aquatics to Special Populations3
HPE 6430Physical Activity Assessment in Special Populations3
HPE 6440Leadership Training and Practicum in Adapted Physical Education3
SED 5000History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Teaching Students with Disabilities2
SED 5080Supportive Environments, Engaged Learning2
TED 2220Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling 2
Total Credits21

Health and Physical Education Teaching AGRADE Overview

The Division of Kinesiology, Health, and Sports Studies (KHS) in the College of Education offers degrees that focus on the broad careers of health, wellness, exercise, sport, and human performance. With programs in Community Health (CH), Exercise and Sport Science (ESS), Health and Physical Education Teaching (HPET), and Sport Administration and Management (SAM), KHS prepares students to excel in a range of health-related professions.  

The Health and Physical Education Teaching AGRADE program is available to academically strong students completing B.S. degrees in Community Health; Exercise and Sport Science; Health and Physical Education Teaching; and Sport Management so they can begin a master's degree while simultaneously completing their bachelor's degree. Coursework taken during a student's senior year (up to 16 credits) can simultaneously qualify toward the bachelor's and master's degrees. In this case, after completing any bachelor's degree in this division, students would have also completed a substantial portion of the coursework required for the Master of Science in Health and Physical Education Teaching. This allows motivated students the opportunity to complete the requirements for both degrees in an accelerated format.  
Our bachelor's programs typically have between 15-25 elective courses in their plans of work. This AGRADE program allows students to utilize graduate courses in Health and Physical Education Teaching to fulfill these elective requirements. Students, in consultation with their advisor, can select Health and Physical Education Teaching  graduate courses that count toward the student’s bachelor's and master's degrees. The graduate coursework completed while enrolled as an undergraduate is assessed at the undergraduate tuition rate, resulting in significant tuition savings. 

Admission Criteria 

Students may apply for the Health and Physical Education Teaching AGRADE program no earlier than the semester in which ninety credits are being completed. Applicants must have a minimum overall grade point average of 3.30. After admission, the AGRADE program requires a continuing undergraduate cumulative grade point average of at least a 3.30 and a grade of B or higher in Health and Physical Education Teaching master's coursework. 


AGRADE advising is provided by the Division of Academic Services College of Education.

Eligible AGRADE Courses 

The following table outlines the Health and Physical Education Teaching masters' courses that could be included in a Bachelor (undergraduate) plan of work. Students may take up to a maximum of 16 credits from the following list. In addition, other courses may qualify as exceptions.

KIN 5100Anatomical and Physiological Bases of Physical Activity3
KIN 6110Motor Learning and Development3
HPE 6220Technology in Health and Physical Education3
HPE 6230Socio-cultural Issues in Physical Activity3
HE 6330Health Behavior Change3
HPE 6400Physical Activity in Pediatric Disabilities3
HPE 6410Teaching Adapted Physical Activity and Sport3
HPE 6420Teaching Aquatics to Special Populations3
HPE 6430Physical Activity Assessment in Special Populations3
HPE 6440Leadership Training and Practicum in Adapted Physical Education3
SED 5000History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Teaching Students with Disabilities2
SED 5080Supportive Environments, Engaged Learning2
TED 6220Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling 2
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