Academic Catalog

Animation and Interactivity Minor

This minor provides a thorough focus on the study of Animation and Interactivity through the lens of New Media developments in Contemporary Arts.  Explore the topics through a fine arts perspective; research and develop ideas as creative producers; foster innovative and critical thinking within digital media.

Students must complete 21 credits as specified below:

Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Art
Survey of Art History: Ancient through Medieval
Survey of Art History: Renaissance through Modern
Encounters with the Arts of Global Africa
Required courses:
ACO 1270Time Studio3
ADA 2210Introduction to Digital Practices3
ADA 3220Interactive Art3
ADA 4220Time-Based Media II: Experimental Animation3
ADA 4230Time-Based Media III: Experimental 3D Animation3
ADA 5240Interface3
Total Credits21

All courses in the minor must be completed with the grade of C- or higher. 

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