Academic Catalog

Painting and Drawing Minor

This minor provides students the opportunity to supplement their major field of study with an exploration of the media, techniques, and concerns of contemporary painting and drawing. The wide array of courses allows students to follow individualized paths through the curriculum, whether their interests lay in working from live models, in the landscape, with non-objective imagery, or either alternative or traditional media in both painting and drawing. The breadth of the Painting and Drawing program comprises a rich and stimulating environment through which students are invited to express their ideas and stretch their creativity.

The Minor in Painting and Drawing requires 21 credits.

ACO 1200Surface Studio3
ADR 1050Drawing I3
AH 1120Survey of Art History: Renaissance through Modern3
Select two of the following courses:6
Introduction to Life Drawing
Introduction to Alternative Drawing Methods and Materials
Introduction to Oil Painting
Watercolor Painting I
Introduction to Alternative Painting Media
Select two of the following intermediate and advanced courses:6
Intermediate Life Drawing
Advanced Life Drawing
Landscape Drawing
Contexts of Studio Practice
Contexts of Studio Practice
Advanced Alternative Drawing Methods and Materials
Intermediate Painting and Drawing
Watercolor Painting II
Advanced Painting and Drawing I
Landscape Painting
Watercolor Painting III
Advanced Alternative Painting Media
Advanced Mural Painting
Total Credits21
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