BBE - Bilingual/Bicultural Education
BBE 1005 Multicultural Education in Urban America Cr. 2
Cultural, social, political and economic realities of our complex, pluralistic society in relation to our education system. Development of analytical and evaluative abilities of teachers to deal with racism, sexism, value clarification and the parity of power. Strategies for multicultural education. Offered Every Term.
Equivalent: TEDÂ 2210
BBE 5000 Multicultural Education in Urban America Cr. 2
Cultural, social, political and economic realities of our complex, pluralistic society in relation to our education system. Development of analytical and evaluative abilities of teachers to deal with racism, sexism, value clarification and the parity of power. Strategies for multicultural education. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
BBE 5500 Foundations of Bilingual/Bicultural Education Cr. 3
This course examines the history of language education in the United States and the impact of policies on the education of multilingual learners. Through course readings, discussions and assignments, students will develop an understanding of the theoretical foundation and rationale for bilingual and ESL education in the United States. The local implementation of bilingual and ESL programs will also be examined. Offered Fall.
BBE 6510 Topics in Bilingual Education: Language Acquisition and Learning Cr. 3
This course offers a comprehensive exploration of applied sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and language acquisition research with a specific focus on the teaching of grammar in PK-12 education. Students will delve into major models of Applied English Linguistics, contrasting linguistic approaches, particularly addressing the comparison between English and linguistically underrepresented communities, prioritizing a culturally responsive approach aiming to enhance effective language instruction in all educational settings. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
BBE 6520 Culturally Sustaining Lang Teaching: Reflective Practice to Promote Integ of Content & Lang Learning Cr. 3
This course addresses culturally sustaining practices for teaching language learners that builds on current research and language acquisition theories. National and state standards will be examined and applied to lesson design with a focus on the domains of listening and speaking. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
BBE 6560 Home Language Use and Learning in Bilingual Bicultural Education Cr. 3
Exploration of theories, methods, and curricula for teaching bi/multilingual learners in PreK-12 bilingual programs. Identification of instructional approaches for language development, biliteracy and content learning. Examination of specific ways current research and materials inform curriculum design for multilingual learners. Offered Intermittently.
BBE 6590 Culture and Language in Bilingual/Bicultural Education Cr. 1-3
Research and application of multicultural activities for designing processes to bring language and culture, and instruction in English, into the classroom. Offered Yearly.
Repeatable for 3 Credits
BBE 6850 Applied Linguistics: Issues in Bilingual Education Cr. 3
Current major models of applied English linguistics, contrasting linguistics with special reference to the comparison of English and linguistic minority languages. Offered Yearly.