Art (B.F.A.)
The James Pearson Duffy Department of Art, Art History, and Design is dedicated to the understanding, production and presentation of works of art in all media. It seeks to explore and develop visual literacy as well as technical, critical and conceptual skills. The curriculum combines history, theory, practice and technology with interdisciplinary learning that aims to nurture a balance between technical proficiency, experimentation with new ideas and studying the visual arts as a means of understanding the intellectual and cultural history of humanity.
Admission Requirements
Admission Requirements for this program are satisfied by the general requirements for undergraduate admission to the University.
Degree Requirements
Candidates for the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree must complete a minimum of 120 credits including satisfaction of the University General Education requirements. Departmental requirements as cited under the Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Art must be met, as well as the concentration requirements below. All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the University and the College governing undergraduate scholarship and degrees.
Major Requirements
Students pursuing a B.F.A. in Art must complete courses listed in sections A, B, and C and all courses listed under a selected concentration. The minimum grade for each course required in the major must be no less than a C- in order for the course credit to count toward completion of the degree.
Code | Title | Credits |
Section A | ||
ACO 1200 | Surface Studio | 3 |
ACO 1230 | Space Studio | 3 |
ACO 1270 | Time Studio | 3 |
ADR 1050 | Drawing I | 3 |
Section B | ||
Select two of the following: | 6 | |
Survey of Art History: Ancient through Medieval | ||
Survey of Art History: Renaissance through Modern | ||
Encounters with the Arts of Global Africa | ||
Section C | ||
Five, 2000-level Fine Arts Electives: | 15 | |
Course must be taken from different subject areas in Fine Art including : ACR, ADA, ADR, AFI, AME, APA, APH, APR, ASL | ||
One, 3000-level Fine Arts Elective: | 3 | |
Course may be taken from offerings in: ACR, ADA, ADR, AFI, AME, APA, APH, APR, ASL | ||
One, 2000-Level or above Fine Art or Design Elective: | 3 | |
Course may be taken from offerings in: ACR, ADA, ADR, AFA, AFI, AGD, AIA, AID, AME, APA, APH, APR, ASL | ||
Two Art History electives (AH 3000 level or above) | 6 | |
ACS 5550 | Special Topics | 3 |
Select one from the following: | 3 | |
Special Topics | ||
Studio Art Internship | ||
ACS 3997 | Professional Practices in the Visual Arts I (Junior Seminar in the Visual Arts) | 3 |
ACS 5997 | Professional Practices in the Visual Arts II | 3 |
Total Credits | 57 |
Concentration Requirements
Students must complete eighteen credits at the advanced level (from courses numbered 3000 and above) within a selected concentration. The minimum grade for each course required in the concentration, which must be taken in the Department of Art and Art History, must be no less than a C- in order for the course credit to count toward completion of the degree. Curriculum outlines with suggested scheduling patterns for the below concentrations are available from the Department of Art and Art History. All work within the following Concentration Requirements (18 credit hours) must be completed in addition to the courses from the Major Requirements (57 credit hours). Required courses in each concentration for the B.F.A. with a major in Art are given below; exceptions may be made only with the consent of advisor.
Code | Title | Credits |
ACR 3550 | Intermediate Ceramics | 3 |
ACR 4000 | Ceramic Multiples I | 3 |
ACR 4550 | Advanced Ceramics I | 3 |
ACR 5000 | Ceramic Multiples II (must be taken once) | 3 |
ACR 5550 | Advanced Ceramics II | 3 |
One of the following courses must be taken once more. Select one: | 3 | |
Ceramic Multiples II | ||
Advanced Ceramics II | ||
Total Credits | 18 |
Digital Arts
Code | Title | Credits |
ADA 3210 | Video Art | 3 |
ADA 3220 | Interactive Art | 3 |
ADA 4220 | Time-Based Media II: Experimental Animation | 3 |
ADA 4230 | Time-Based Media III: Experimental 3D Animation | 3 |
Choose 6 credits from the following courses: | 6 | |
Interface | ||
Advanced Time-Based Media | ||
ADA 5000 Elective | ||
Total Credits | 18 |
Code | Title | Credits |
ADR 3070 | Intermediate Life Drawing | 3 |
ADR 3000-level or above: Nine credits (topics include: Life Drawing, Alternative Materials and Methods, Landscape, and Anatomy) | 9 | |
ADR 5060 | Advanced Concepts in Drawing and Painting | 3 |
ADR 5100 | Contexts of Studio Practice | 3 |
Total Credits | 18 |
Code | Title | Credits |
AFI 3640 | Fibers: Digital Textile Design | 3 |
AFI 3650 | Fibers: Weaving | 3 |
AFI 3660 | Fibers: Print and Dye | 3 |
AFI 4650 | Fibers: Studio I | 3 |
AFI 5650 | Fibers: Studio II | 3 |
AFI 5870 | Directed Projects: Fibers | 3 |
Total Credits | 18 |
Code | Title | Credits |
AME 3600 | Intermediate Jewelry I | 3 |
AME 3601 | Intermediate Jewelry II | 3 |
AME 4600 | Metalsmithing I | 3 |
AME 4601 | Metalsmithing II | 3 |
AME 5600 | Advanced Jewelry and Metalsmithing (taken twice) | 6 |
Total Credits | 18 |
Code | Title | Credits |
APA 3000-level or above: Twelve credits (topics include: Oil Painting, Watercolor Painting, Alternative Painting Media, Mural Painting, Figure Painting, and Landscape Painting) | 12 | |
APA 5060 | Advanced Concepts in Drawing and Painting | 3 |
APA 5100 | Contexts of Studio Practice | 3 |
Total Credits | 18 |
Code | Title | Credits |
APH 3410 | Darkroom Photography | 3 |
APH 3420 | Digital Photography | 3 |
APH 4410 | Advanced Camera | 3 |
APH 4420 | Advanced Printing | 3 |
APH 5470 | Photography Portfolio and Contemporary Practices | 3 |
APH (5000-level Photography Elective) | 3 | |
Total Credits | 18 |
Printmaking (An admissions moratorium is in effect for this concentration.)
Code | Title | Credits |
APR 3480 | Intaglio I | 3 |
APR 3490 | Lithography I | 3 |
Three credits from the following courses: | 3 | |
Photo-Processes for Printmaking I | ||
Screen Printing I | ||
Relief and Experimental Printmaking I | ||
Three credits from the following courses: | 3 | |
Photo-Processes for Printmaking II | ||
Screen Printing II | ||
Relief and Experimental Printmaking II | ||
APR 5480 | Intaglio II | 3 |
APR 5490 | Lithography II | 3 |
Total Credits | 18 |
Code | Title | Credits |
3-15 credits from the following courses: | ||
Intermediate Sculpture | ||
Figurative Sculpture I | ||
Sculpture Foundry I | ||
Wood Shop Practice I | ||
Moldmaking I | ||
3-15 credits from the following courses: | ||
Advanced Sculpture | ||
Figurative Sculpture II | ||
Sculpture: Advanced Technology | ||
Sculpture Foundry II | ||
Special Topics in Sculpture | ||
Wood Shop Practice II | ||
Moldmaking II | ||
Total Credits | 18 |
Art Honors Curriculum (B.F.A. and B.A. Programs)
(15 Credits required)
The Department of Art and Art History Honors program offers capable students the opportunity to pursue independent study and to work closely with department full-time faculty members. Completion of the honors major results in an honors degree designation on the diploma.
Departmental Honors Requirements
In order to enter the Departmental Honors program a student must have achieved academic excellence with a college or university with a g.p.a. of 3.3. A student must meet all regular major requirements including the following:
Code | Title | Credits |
Honors Option Required Courses | ||
Two Honors Option studio art courses at the 2000-level or 3000-level (internships cannot satisfy this requirement) | 6 | |
One Honors Option course of an advanced art studio elective at 4000-level or above | 3 | |
One Honors Seminar (HON 4200 through HON 4280) | 3 | |
One Honors Project (ACS 5996 – Honors Project) | 3 | |
Total Credits | 15 |
The student must maintain a minimum g.p.a. of 3.3 overall and in the major.