Complete Course List
- ACC - Accounting
- ACO - Art: Core
- ACR - Art: Ceramics
- ACS - Art: Special Seminars
- ADA - Art: Digital Art
- ADN - Art: Design
- ADR - Art: Drawing
- ADX - Art and Design Exposure
- AED - Art Education
- AET - Alternative Energy Technology
- AFA - Art: Design and Merchandising
- AFI - Art: Fibers
- AFS - African American Studies
- AGD - Art: Graphic Design
- AH - Art History
- AHS - Applied Health Sciences
- AIA - Art: Interior Design
- AID - Art: Industrial Design
- AME - Art: Metalsmithing
- AN - Anesthesia
- ANA - Anatomy and Cell Biology
- ANT - Anthropology
- APA - Art: Painting
- APH - Art: Photography
- APR - Art: Printmaking
- ARB - Arabic
- ARM - Armenian
- ART - Art Courses
- ASE - American Sign Language
- ASL - Art: Sculpture
- ASN - Asian Studies
- AST - Astronomy
- AT - Art Therapy
- ATR - Athletic Training
- AUD - Audiology
- BA - Business Administration
- BBE - Bilingual/Bicultural Education
- BE - Basic Engineering
- BIO - Biological Sciences
- BLW - Business Law
- BMB - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- BME - Biomedical Engineering
- BMS - Basic Medical Science
- CB - Cancer Biology
- CE - Civil Engineering
- CED - Counselor Education
- CHE - Chemical Engineering
- CHI - Chinese
- CHM - Chemistry
- CLA - Classics
- CMT - Construction Management
- COM - Communication
- CRJ - Criminal Justice
- CSC - Computer Science
- CTE - Career and Technical Education
- DNC - Dance
- DR - Dispute Resolution
- DSA - Data Science and Analytics
- DSB - Data Science for Business
- DSE - Data Science for Engineering
- ECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECO - Economics
- ED - Education
- EDA - Educational Administration
- EDP - Educational Psychology
- EED - English Education
- EER - Educational Evaluation and Research
- EET - Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology
- EGR - Engineering: Special Topics
- EHP - Educational History and Philosophy
- EI - Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- ELE - Elementary Education
- ELI - English Language Institute
- ELR - Employment and Labor Relations
- ENG - English
- EPS - Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
- ESG - Environmental Science and Geology
- ET - Engineering Technology
- ETT - Electrical Transportation Technology
- EVE - Electric-drive Vehicle Engineering
- FIN - Finance
- FPC - Fine Arts: Interdisciplinary
- FPH - Family Public Health
- FRE - French
- FYS - First Year Seminar
- GER - German
- GKA - Greek: Ancient
- GKM - Greek: Modern
- GLS - Global Studies
- GPH - Geography
- GS - Graduate School
- GSC - Global Supply Chain Management
- GSW - Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
- HA - Health Administration
- HE- Health Education
- HEB - Hebrew
- HIS - History
- HON - Honors
- HPE - Health and Physical Education
- IBS - Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences
- IE - Industrial Engineering
- IM - Immunology and Microbiology
- INF - Information Sciences
- ITA - Italian
- LAS - Latino/Latina and Latin American Studies
- LAT - Latin
- LDT - Learning Design and Technology
- LED - Language Education
- LEX - Law
- LFA - Life Fitness Activities
- LGL - Language Learning
- LIN - Linguistics
- MAE - Mathematics Education
- MAT - Mathematics
- MCT - Mechanical Engineering Technology
- MD1 - Medical School: Year 1
- MD2 - Medical School: Year 2
- MD3 - Medical School: Year 3
- MD4 - Medical School: Year 4
- MDR - Medical Research
- ME - Mechanical Engineering
- MED - Music Education
- MGG - Molecular Genetics and Genomics
- MGT - Management
- MIT - Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Technology
- MKT - Marketing
- MLC - Med-Direct Community Learning
- MLS - Medical Laboratory Science
- MS - Mortuary Science
- MSE - Materials Science and Engineering
- MSL: Master of Studies in Law
- MUA - Music Ensembles and General Courses
- MUH - Music History
- MUP - Music Private Instruction
- MUT - Music Theory
- NE - Near Eastern Studies
- NEN - Nanoengineering
- NEU - Neuroscience
- NFS - Nutrition and Food Science
- NUR - Nursing
- PAA - Pathologists' Assistant
- PAS - Physician Assistant Studies
- PCS - Peace and Conflict Studies
- PH - Public Health
- PHA - Pharmacy
- PHC - Pharmacology
- PHI - Philosophy
- PHY - Physics
- POL - Polish
- PPR - Pharmacy Practice
- PS - Political Science
- PSC - Pharmaceutical Sciences
- PSL - Physiology
- PSY - Psychology
- PT - Physical Therapy
- PTH - Pathology
- PYC - Psychiatry
- RDT - Radiologic Technology
- RLL - Reading, Language and Literature Education
- ROC - Radiation Oncology
- RSE - Research, Service and Engagement
- RT - Radiation Therapy Technology
- RUS - Russian
- SAM - Sport Administration and Management
- SCE - Science Education
- SED - Special Education
- SEM - Sport and Entertainment Management
- SLA - Slavic
- SLP - Speech and Language Pathology
- SOC - Sociology
- SPA - Spanish
- SSE - Social Studies Education
- STA - Statistics
- STE - Sustainable Engineering
- STS - Study Skills
- SW - Social Work
- SWA - Swahili
- SYE - Systems Engineering
- TED - Teacher Education
- THD - Theatre and Dance
- THR - Theatre
- TIS - Technology, Information Systems and Analytics