AED - Art Education
AED 5000 Introduction to Art Education Cr. 3
Design of developmentally appropriate and comprehensive art experiences, teaching strategies, and authentic assessment of student learning in art. History, theories and philosophies of visual arts education; contemporary trends and issues. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $15
AED 5020 Painting: Methods and Materials Cr. 3
Methods, materials and processes suitable for teaching painting in the schools. Subject selection, composition, surface selection and preparation, mixing and application of paint, finishing, and presentation. Students develop basic skills in painting for personal artistic expression. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $15
Repeatable for 9 Credits
AED 5050 Integrating the Arts into the Elementary Classroom Cr. 3
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Cultural Inquiry, Visual Performing Arts
Introductory course: integration of visual arts, music, dance, and theatre into the teaching, learning and curriculum of the elementary classroom. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: (2 of (ELE 3300, ELE 6290, ELE 6390, ELE 6500, ELE 6600, ELE 3400, ELE 3500, or ELE 3600) and 1 of (ELE 3320 or ELE 6310)) or TED 5150
Fees: $30
AED 5070 Methods and Materials of Sculptural Expression Cr. 3
Exploration of three-dimensional forms using various media; emphasis on sculptural concepts, materials, tools and techniques related to teaching sculpture on the elementary and secondary level. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $15
AED 5100 Topics in Art Education Cr. 1-3
Art experiences designed for the specific needs of special groups. Topics to be announced in Schedule of Classes. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $15
AED 5150 Computer Graphics in the Classroom Cr. 3
Introduction to digital media and the production of computer graphics by using drawing, painting, graphic design, animation, video and web techniques. Offered Spring/Summer.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
AED 5160 Theory and Practice in Art Education Cr. 3
Development of instructional strategies and assessment practices in art education; organization and management of art classrooms; adaptation of art lessons for specific groups. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
AED 5230 Ceramics Education I Cr. 3
An overview of handbuilding processes, various firing procedures including blackware and raku, decorating, glazing and equipment maintenance. Emphasis placed on the educational benefits and procedures for working with people of various ages and the management of materials for teaching. Offered Spring/Summer.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $25
AED 5280 Printmaking: Methods and Materials Cr. 3
Studio exploration of relief, planographic, intaglio, and stencil processes as methods of reproduction for artistic expression. Examination of tools, methods and processes suitable for the classroom. Includes study in lithography, dry point, etching, calligraphy, woodcut, linocut, and photo screen processes. Offered Spring/Summer.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $15
Repeatable for 9 Credits
AED 5500 2d Methods and Materials Cr. 3
Exploration of 2d media for the PK-12 classroom. Covering techniques, concepts and self-expression via drawing, collage, painting and printmaking. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: 4 of ACR 2550 with a minimum grade of C-, ADR 1050 with a minimum grade of C-, APR 2300 with a minimum grade of C-, and (APA 2000 with a minimum grade of C- or APA 2110 with a minimum grade of C-)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Multi-Age Education.
AED 5510 3d Methods and Materials Cr. 3
Exploration of 3d media for the pk-12 classroom. Covering techniques, concepts and self-expression via sculpture, clay and assemblage. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: 4 of ACR 2550 with a minimum grade of C-, ADR 1050 with a minimum grade of C-, APR 2300 with a minimum grade of C-, and (APA 2000 with a minimum grade of C- or APA 2110 with a minimum grade of C-)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Multi-Age Education.
AED 5650 Art Teaching Laboratory Cr. 3
Laboratory experience in teaching art to elementary, middle, and high school students. Pre-student teaching experiences under close supervision of an experienced Visual Arts teacher. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: AED 5100 with a minimum grade of D- (may be taken concurrently) and AED 5160 with a minimum grade of D-
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
AED 5690 Collage, Assemblage, and Multi-Media: Methods and Materials Cr. 3
History and methods of creating collage, assemblage, and multi-media art works. Integration of developmental issues, use of personal meaning and experience for lesson planning, unit planning, and work assessment strategies. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (AH 1110, AH 1120, ADR 1050, and ADR 1060) or (ADR 2070, APA 2100, and ASL 2150)
Fees: $40
AED 5890 The Art of Indigenous Cultures: Inclusion in the K-12 Curriculum Cr. 3
Focus on non-Western, indigenous art forms, such as Balinese architecture, ceramics of Papua New Guinea, Aboriginal painting, Precolumbian culture, and Japanese gardens; means of integrating this content into the K-12 Curriculum. Offered Winter, Spring/Summer.
AED 6230 Ceramics Education II Cr. 3
Emphasis is placed on throwing procedures, the use of various clay bodies, firing at various temperatures, making and using tools, ceramic history and its use and benefits in a school curriculum. Offered Spring/Summer.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $35
Repeatable for 9 Credits
AED 6920 Multi-Cultural Issues in Art Education Cr. 3
Provides all visual arts education students with discipline-specific experiences, current theoretical perspectives, and best practices to enhance the effectiveness of their work in diverse and multicultural learning. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
AED 7700 Advanced Graduate Problems Cr. 3-12
Pursuit of specific problems in depth. Laboratory hours coordinated with regularly scheduled classes in the selected area. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $15
Repeatable for 12 Credits