Academic Catalog

ELE - Elementary Education

ELE 2000 Child Development: Birth-Age 8 Cr. 3

Explores processes and trajectories of child development from prenatal development through age 8 from a range of theoretical perspectives. Focus on cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic contributions to development and fostering development through adult-child relationships. Applying knowledge of development through practical scenarios and video analysis of children’s play and exploration. Offered Yearly.

ELE 2010 Equitable Partnerships with Families and Communities Cr. 3

Theory and research-based strategies that support equitable collaboration between professionals and families to best meet the needs of children. Explores family and community contexts as assets for learning. Emphasis on culturally and linguistically responsive approaches to learn about and leverage family strengths and priorities, as well as communication strategies for making shared decisions with families. Offered Yearly.

ELE 2015 Play: How Young Children Learn Cr. 3

Play as a critical component of children’s development and learning. Addresses identifying different forms of play, how play fosters development and learning, embedding skills within play-based interactions, how children use play to understand their lives and the world around them, and theory and research-based strategies to facilitate play for all children. Offered Yearly.

ELE 2020 Foundations of Early Childhood Education and Clinical Experience Cr. 3

Foundational theories, policies, and practices of early childhood education with a focus on inclusive preschool contexts. Explores theory and research-based strategies related to child development, environmental design, play, family partnerships, and assessment. Emphasis on teaching strategies that are developmentally appropriate, culturally responsive, and reflective of universal design for learning. This course contains an integrated clinical experience, and students will complete focused observations in an approved early childhood center. Students must apply for the clinical experience and register for the course. Clinical experience applications are completed in Exxat; the deadline for fall placements is early in the Winter semester and the deadline for winter placements is early Fall semester. Students must complete all required background checks. A current TB test is required for this course. Offered Yearly.

ELE 2025 Social Emotional Learning: Birth-Age 8 Cr. 3

Examination of children’s social emotional development from birth through age 8, with focus on how development is shaped by cultural and linguistic contexts, including structural inequities, stress, adverse childhood experiences, and trauma. Exploration of how culture contributes to adult perceptions of behavior. Application of environmental and instructional strategies for positive child guidance that build a caring community of learners, prevent and address challenging behaviors, and support children during social conflicts. Offered Yearly.

ELE 2035 Inclusion, Equity, and Justice in Early Childhood Cr. 3

Explores principles of inclusive teaching for all children across early childhood settings, with emphasis on equitable and meaningful access, participation, and supports. Examines developmentally appropriate and culturally and linguistically relevant, anti-bias, and evidence-based teaching approaches that reflect the principles of universal design for learning. Addresses foundational processes of early intervention and early childhood special education. Offered Yearly.

ELE 2050 Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: Infants and Toddlers Cr. 3

In-depth exploration of intentional and inclusive teaching strategies for infants and toddlers. Designing integrated and purposeful learning experiences through play and exploration for all infants and toddlers, including those with identified disabilities and/or developmental delays. How to enact planned and responsive learning experiences that foster infant and toddler development across all domains and address content areas of language and literacy, the arts, mathematics, social studies, science, technology, and engineering in developmentally appropriate ways. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: (ELE 2000 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6000 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C), and (ELE 2035 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6035 with a minimum grade of C)

Corequisite: ELE 2055

ELE 2055 Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: Infants and Toddlers Clinical Experience Cr. 1

This course offers community-based clinical experience for candidates accepted into the Early Childhood Education certification program. Experience includes focused observation of home visiting or center-based infant and toddler care; lesson plan development and implementation; partnership with caregivers; and collaboration with course instructor and mentor educators. Candidates are required to attend an off-campus placement for 45 hours for an entire 15-week semester – 3 hours/week. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.

Corequisite: ELE 2050

ELE 2075 The Creative Arts in Early Childhood Education Cr. 3

Supporting the whole child’s learning and development through the visual and performing arts and through creative movement from birth to kindergarten. Materials, techniques, and strategies to foster children’s appreciation of the arts and their confident, creative participation in the arts. Focus on creative processes, rather than products. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: ELE 2000 with a minimum grade of C, ELE 2015 with a minimum grade of C, and ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C

ELE 6000 Child Development: Birth-Age 8 Cr. 3

Explores processes and trajectories of child development from prenatal development through age 8 from a range of theoretical perspectives. Focus on cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic contributions to development and fostering development through adult-child relationships. Applying knowledge of development through practical scenarios and video analysis of children’s play and exploration. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

ELE 6010 Equitable Partnerships with Families and Communities Cr. 3

Theory and research-based strategies that support equitable collaboration between professionals and families to best meet the needs of children. Explores family and community contexts as assets for learning. Emphasis on culturally and linguistically responsive approaches to learn about and leverage family strengths and priorities, as well as communication strategies for making shared decisions with families. Offered Fall.

Equivalent: PSY 6010, SW 6010

ELE 6015 Play: How Young Children Learn Cr. 3

Play as a critical component of children’s development and learning. Addresses identifying different forms of play, how play fosters development and learning, embedding skills within play-based interactions, how children use play to understand their lives and the world around them, and theory and research-based strategies to facilitate play for all children. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

ELE 6020 Foundations of Early Childhood Education and Clinical Experience Cr. 3

Satisfies General Education Requirement: Writing Intensive Competency

Foundational theories, policies, and practices of early childhood education with a focus on inclusive preschool contexts. Explores theory and research-based strategies related to child development, environmental design, play, family partnerships, and assessment. Emphasis on teaching strategies that are developmentally appropriate, culturally responsive, and reflective of universal design for learning. This course contains an integrated clinical experience, and students will complete focused observations in an approved early childhood center. Students must apply for the clinical experience and register for the course. Clinical experience applications are completed in Exxat; the deadline for fall placements is early in the Winter semester and the deadline for winter placements is early Fall semester. Students must complete all required background checks. A current TB test is required for this course. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.

ELE 6025 Social Emotional Learning: Birth-Age 8 Cr. 3

Examination of children’s social emotional development from birth through age 8, with focus on how development is shaped by cultural and linguistic contexts, including structural inequities, stress, adverse childhood experiences, and trauma. Exploration of how culture contributes to adult perceptions of behavior. Application of environmental and instructional strategies for positive child guidance that build a caring community of learners, prevent and address challenging behaviors, and support children during social conflicts. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

ELE 6030 Assessment of Young Children Cr. 3

Strategies for assessment of young children from birth through kindergarten within family, community, and school-based contexts. Addresses how to analyze, interpret, document, and share assessment information with families and other professionals. Emphasis on developmentally, linguistically, and culturally appropriate assessment tools as a means to make informed choices about planning instruction and intervention in early learning settings. This course contains integrated clinical experience hours students will complete through assignments and in-class experiences with materials of practice (e.g., work samples, child data, observational video, curricular materials). Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: (ELE 2000 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6000 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2015 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6015 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2025 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6025 with a minimum grade of C), and (ELE 2035 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6035 with a minimum grade of C)

ELE 6035 Inclusion, Equity, and Justice in Early Childhood Cr. 3

Explores principles of inclusive teaching for all children across early childhood settings, with emphasis on equitable and meaningful access, participation, and supports. Examines developmentally appropriate and culturally and linguistically relevant, anti-bias, and evidence-based teaching approaches that reflect the principles of universal design for learning. Addresses foundational processes of early intervention and early childhood special education. Offered Yearly.

ELE 6040 Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: The Content Areas (PK-K) Cr. 3

Exploration of intentional and inclusive teaching strategies for prekindergarten and kindergarten-age learners in the content areas of language and literacy, the arts, mathematics, social studies, science, technology and engineering, and physical education. Building from the central concepts and developmental progressions of each content area to design planned and responsive learning experiences. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: (ELE 2000 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6000 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C), and (ELE 2035 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6035 with a minimum grade of C)

Corequisite: ELE 6045

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.

ELE 6041 Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: The Content Areas (PK-K) Cr. 3

This course is designed for students seeking PK-3 teaching certification. Exploration of intentional and inclusive teaching strategies for prekindergarten and kindergarten-age learners in the content areas of language and literacy, the arts, mathematics, social studies, science, technology and engineering, and physical education. Building from the central concepts and developmental progressions of each content area to design planned and responsive learning experiences. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C

ELE 6045 Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: ECE Clinical Preschool Cr. 1

This course offers community-based clinical experience for candidates accepted into the Early Childhood Education certification program. Experience includes focused observation of prekindergarten teaching and learning; lesson plan development and implementation; data collection and analysis of child learning; and collaboration with cooperating teacher. Candidates are required to attend an off-campus placement for 45 hours for an entire 15-week semester – 3 hours/week. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.

Corequisite: ELE 6040

ELE 6050 Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: Infants and Toddlers Cr. 3

In-depth exploration of intentional and inclusive teaching strategies for infants and toddlers. Designing integrated and purposeful learning experiences through play and exploration for all infants and toddlers, including those with identified disabilities and/or developmental delays. How to enact planned and responsive learning experiences that foster infant and toddler development across all domains and address content areas of language and literacy, the arts, mathematics, social studies, science, technology, and engineering in developmentally appropriate ways. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: (ELE 2000 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6000 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C), and (ELE 2035 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6035 with a minimum grade of C)

Corequisite: ELE 6055

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.

ELE 6055 Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: Infants and Toddlers Clinical Experience Cr. 1

This course offers community-based clinical experience for candidates accepted into the Early Childhood Education certification program. Experience includes focused observation of home visiting or center-based infant and toddler care; lesson plan development and implementation; partnership with caregivers; and collaboration with course instructor and mentor educators. Candidates are required to attend an off-campus placement for 45 hours for an entire 15-week semester – 3 hours/week. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.

Corequisite: ELE 6050

ELE 6060 Community Contacts: Working with Families in Urban Settings Cr. 3

Programs and services within the community that assist families in improving educational services for the child. Offered Yearly.

ELE 6070 Family, Community and School Partnerships: Supporting Children's Learning Cr. 3

Theory and practice in joining families, communities, and schools in promoting children's learning, development and success in school. Strengths and needs of families in a diverse, multicultural society, teachers' roles in concert with other disciplines in supporting families and building partnerships, and connection with community resources. Offered Yearly.

ELE 6075 The Creative Arts in Early Childhood Education Cr. 3

Supporting the whole child’s learning and development through the visual and performing arts and through creative movement from birth to kindergarten. Materials, techniques, and strategies to foster children’s appreciation of the arts and their confident, creative participation in the arts. Focus on creative processes, rather than products. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: ELE 6000 with a minimum grade of C, ELE 6015 with a minimum grade of C, and ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C

ELE 6080 Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: The Preschool Learning Environment Cr. 3

Focus on developing strategies for intentional and inclusive preschool learning environments, including designing and evaluating environments based on learners’ identities, strengths, interests, and support needs. Exploration of how to create safe and welcoming classroom communities through positive adult-child and child-child relationships and supportive classroom management. Offered Yearly.

Corequisite: TED 5791

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.

ELE 6090 Introduction to Infant Mental Health Theory and Practice Cr. 3

Concepts of infant mental health theory and practice as a developmental framework for the observation, assessment and understanding of infant-parent behaviors and interactions as indicators of strengths and risks in the security of the attachment relationship. Offered Yearly.

ELE 6100 Planning and Implementing Preschool Curriculum Cr. 3

Planning, implementing, and evaluating all aspects of preschool curriculum: activities, routines, and working with staff and parents. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: ELE 6040 with a minimum grade of C

ELE 6110 Planning Infant and Toddler Curriculum Cr. 3

Planning effective relationship- and play-based curriculum, daily routines and experiences for infants and toddlers that are developmentally appropriate, culturally and linguistically relevant, anti-bias, and reflect principles of universal design for learning. Consideration of home-, community-, and classroom-based early learning settings for infants and toddlers. Offered Yearly.

ELE 6130 Early Childhood Advocacy, Leadership, and Administration Cr. 3

Becoming an early childhood professional who is ready to be an advocate, leader, and/or administrator. Examine policies, procedures, and systems necessary for high-quality early learning. Develop skills and strategies to ensure ethical and legal guidelines are met, including consideration of health and safety procedures and Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. This course addresses Michigan Licensing and Regulatory Affairs requirements for Early Childhood Program Directors to have at least 2 semester hours in child care administration. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C

ELE 6140 Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education Cr. 3

Explores key principles of developmentally appropriate practice for all young children from birth to age eight, highlighting strengths- and play-based teaching methods that promote joyful, engaged learning. Addresses how to recognize and support each child as a valued member of the learning community through interactional and environmental practices that honor children’s and families’ cultures, languages, and abilities. Offered Every Other Fall.

ELE 6200 Diverse Children’s Literature for Elementary Teachers Cr. 3

This course is a survey of children’s literature where we will explore, through reading and discussion, a wide range of genres and issues related to children’s books with a focus on culturally responsive literature in the elementary school curriculum. Offered Every Term.

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.

Fees: $17

ELE 6205 Literacy Foundations Cr. 3

This course is designed for undergraduate students seeking initial teacher certification. The focus is on theories and processes related to language and literacy development and the implications of these for curriculum and instruction in grades preK-6. Offered Fall, Winter.

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.

ELE 6210 Literacy Methods I (PK-3) Cr. 3

Theoretical and methodological understanding of teaching and assessing constructs of literacy appropriate for students in grades prekindergarten-3. Offered Every Term.

Prerequisites: ELE 6205 with a minimum grade of C

Corequisite: ELE 6211

ELE 6211 Literacy Clinical Experience (PK-3) Cr. 1

This course offers school-based, clinical experience for pre-service teachers seeking a prekindergarten-third grade teaching license. Experience includes relevant classroom observations; data collection on student learning, instruction, assessment; lesson plan implementation; and collaboration with course instructor and mentor educators. Offered Every Term.

Prerequisites: ELE 2205 with a minimum grade of C-

Corequisite: ELE 6210

ELE 6215 Literacy Methods I (3-6) Cr. 3

Theoretical and methodological understanding of teaching and assessing constructs of literacy appropriate for students in grades upper elementary grades 3-6. Offered Fall, Winter.

Prerequisites: ELE 6205 with a minimum grade of C

Corequisite: ELE 6216

ELE 6216 Literacy Clinical Experience (3-6) Cr. 1

This course offers school-based, clinical experience for pre-service teachers seeking a third through sixth grade teaching license. Experience includes relevant classroom observations; data collection on student learning, instruction, assessment; lesson plan implementation; and collaboration with course instructor and mentor educators. Offered Every Term.

Prerequisites: ELE 2205 with a minimum grade of C-

Corequisite: ELE 6215

ELE 6225 Literacy Methods II (PK-6) Cr. 3

Advanced theoretical and methodological understanding of teaching and assessing multiple constructs of literacy appropriate for diverse students in grades PK-6. Offered Fall, Winter.

Prerequisites: ELE 6210 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6215 with a minimum grade of C

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.

ELE 6350 Mathematics Foundations (PK-6) Cr. 3

Provides a coherent overview of the historical and foundations underlying the PK-6 mathematics content. Offered Every Term.

Prerequisites: MAT 1120 with a minimum grade of C

ELE 6370 Mathematics Methods (PK-3) Cr. 3

This course cultivates the mathematical knowledge, pedagogical skills and professional dispositions for teaching mathematics to children in grades PreK-3. It builds upon the foundational ideas about teaching mathematics in ELE 6375. Offered Fall, Winter.

Prerequisites: ELE 6350 with a minimum grade of C

Corequisite: ELE 6375

ELE 6375 Mathematics Clinical Experience (PK-3) Cr. 1

This course offers school-based, clinical experience for pre-service teachers seeking a prekindergarten-third grade teaching license. Experience includes relevant classroom observations; data collection on student learning, instruction, assessment; lesson plan implementation; and collaboration with course instructor and mentor educators. Offered Fall, Winter.

Prerequisites: (TED 2205 with a minimum grade of C- or TED 6205 with a minimum grade of C) and (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C- or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C)

Corequisite: ELE 6370

ELE 6380 Mathematics Methods (3-6) Cr. 3

This course cultivates the mathematical knowledge, pedagogical skills and professional dispositions for teaching mathematics to children in grades 3-6. It builds upon the foundational ideas about teaching mathematics in ELE 6385. Offered Fall, Winter.

Prerequisites: ELE 6350 with a minimum grade of C

Corequisite: ELE 6385

ELE 6385 Mathematics Clinical Experience (3-6) Cr. 1

This course offers school-based, clinical experience for pre-service teachers seeking a prekindergarten-third grade teaching license. Experience includes relevant classroom observations; data collection on student learning, instruction, assessment; lesson plan implementation; and collaboration with course instructor and mentor educators. Offered Fall, Winter.

Prerequisites: TED 2205 with a minimum grade of C- and ELE 6350 with a minimum grade of C

Corequisite: ELE 6380

ELE 6390 Mathematics Instruction: P-8 Cr. 3

Developing mathematics skills in elementary and middle schools. Students plan, implement and evaluate learning experience with children under professional guidance. Offered Fall, Winter.

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.

Fees: $58

ELE 6500 Science Curriculum and Methods (3-6) Cr. 3

Role of learning in science in the curriculum. Objectives, plans of organization for learning, resources materials. Overview of balanced program. Experiences with appropriate experiments, field trips, reference materials, audio-visual resources. Offered Every Term.

Prerequisites: (SCE 2100 with a minimum grade of C- and SCE 2105 with a minimum grade of C-) or (SCE 5100 with a minimum grade of C and SCE 5105 with a minimum grade of C)

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.

Fees: $15

ELE 6550 Science Curriculum and Methods (PK-6) Cr. 2

This course provides a foundation for instructional strategies that promote phenomenon-based learning and with a focus on engineering design and technology performance expectations for PK-6 elementary instruction. Offered Every Term.

Prerequisites: (SCE 2100 with a minimum grade of C- and SCE 2105 with a minimum grade of C-) or (SCE 5100 with a minimum grade of C and SCE 5105 with a minimum grade of C)

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.

Fees: $15

ELE 6600 Social Studies Methods (PK-6) Cr. 3

In this course, teacher candidates explore and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of social studies with the incorporation of pedagogical knowledge. This includes lesson planning; development of objectives, outcomes, and assessments; curriculum content and organization; teaching strategies; and the implementation of instructional materials. Candidates also incorporate community resources in the planning process. Offered Every Term.

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.

ELE 6610 Current Developments in Early Childhood General and Special Education Cr. 1-6

Topics on developments in research-based recommended practices on early childhood general and special education, covered through seminars and workshops; early intervention and educational implications for children from birth to eight years old. Topics to be announced in Schedule of Classes. Offered Intermittently.

Repeatable for 6 Credits

ELE 6800 Methods for Integrated Curriculum and Pedagogy (PK-6) Cr. 3

Develop unit/lesson plans within and across content areas in innovative and relevant ways. Understand socio-cultural and political contexts and factors that impact curriculum, teaching, and learning. Use effective, differentiated, and inclusive teaching strategies that attend to student strengths and needs. Utilize assessment approaches to inform instruction and student learning and advancement. Offered Fall, Winter.

Prerequisites: (ELE 6210 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6215 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 6370 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6380 with a minimum grade of C), and (ELE 6550 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6600 with a minimum grade of C)

Corequisite: ELE 6805

ELE 6805 Clinical Experience for Integrated Curriculum and Pedagogy (PK-6) Cr. 2

Offers school-based, clinical experience for pre-service teachers seeking a PK-3 and/or 3-6 grade teaching certificate. Experience includes relevant classroom observations; data collection on student learning, instruction, assessment; lesson plan implementation for integrated curriculum; and collaboration with course instructor and mentor educators. Offered Fall, Winter.

Prerequisites: (ELE 6210 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6215 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 6370 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6380 with a minimum grade of C), and (ELE 6550 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6600 with a minimum grade of C)

Corequisite: ELE 6800

ELE 7020 Issues in Early Childhood Education Cr. 3

Current issues in early childhood care and education including theories, research, best practice, and historical philosophies. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

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