MKT - Marketing
MKT 2300 Marketing Management Cr. 3
Planning the marketing program within social, economic and legal environments, market segmentation and behavior, market systems and strategy, international marketing. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: ECO 2010 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
MKT 4500 Business Co-op Assignment Cr. 0
Must be elected by Professional Development Co-operative Program students during work semester. Offered for S and U grades only. No credit toward degree. Opportunity to put theory into practice on the job. Students will normally be assigned to cooperating business organizations for internship periods of one semester. Offered Every Term.
MKT 4990 Directed Study in Marketing Cr. 1-3
Advanced readings and research or tutorial under the supervision of a faculty member in areas of special interest to student and faculty member. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: MKT 5410 with a minimum grade of C- and MKT 5450 with a minimum grade of C-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
Repeatable for 6 Credits
MKT 4991 Study Abroad Cr. 3
Study abroad programs in various countries. Programs run 10-15 days in length. Recent country programs have been in China; Netherlands, Germany, Poland; Italy and Canada. Travel within a given country with visits to various companies and cultural attractions. Traveling costs are over and above tuition and vary by country. Various reading and assignments required. Offered Winter, Spring/Summer.
Equivalent: GSC 4991, MGT 4991
Repeatable for 6 Credits
MKT 5410 Marketing Research and Analysis Cr. 3
Methods of gathering and analyzing data which will facilitate the identification and solution of marketing problems. Planning the project, data sources for exploratory and conclusive research. Questionnaire construction, sample design, and design of marketing experiments. Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: MKT 2300 with a minimum grade of C- and BA 3400 with a minimum grade of C-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
MKT 5450 Consumer Behavior Cr. 3
Concepts and theories to explain consumer and organizational buyer behavior. Application of this understanding to marketing management and public policy decision making. Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: MKT 2300 with a minimum grade of C-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
MKT 5460 Sales Management Cr. 3
Organization and direction of a sales organization including selection, training, compensation, supervision, motivation, budgets, quotas, territories, and sales analysis. Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: MKT 2300 with a minimum grade of C-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
MKT 5490 Principles of Advertising Cr. 3
Introduces the basic elements of consumer advertising including the difference between marketing and advertising, how an advertising agency works, campaign strategy and planning, the creative process, foundations of media planning, and the concept of integrated marketing communications. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: MKT 2300 with a minimum grade of C-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
MKT 5510 Media Planning in the Digital Age Cr. 3
This course introduces students to key elements surrounding the use of consumer facing media as part of the marketing mix. Media planning terminology and calculations for all major media platforms will be explored. On the digital side, there will be a focus specifically on display and paid search. Students will learn, understand, and apply the variables involved in developing a comprehensive, integrated, media plan. They will also learn about the role of paid, owned and earned media as part of campaign planning, with the primary focus being paid media. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: MKT 5490 with a minimum grade of C- or MKT 5800 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
MKT 5511 Search Engine Marketing and Optimization Cr. 3
Examines the strategic use of search engine marketing and optimization and teaches students how to drive traffic to websites and build customer relationships. Topics include search behavior, search engines, performance indicators, crawlability, keyword research, content optimization, off-page SEO, paid search marketing, and the future of search. Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisites: MKT 5800 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
MKT 5512 Social Media Marketing Cr. 3
The term digital marketing is no longer a niche area of study. Rather, digital marketing is a core tenet of marketing in today’s society. Every organization, small or large, practices some form of digital marketing and requires skilled personnel who can deliver effective digital marketing strategies while being able to measure their effectiveness using a variety of analytics. Social media and content marketing are possibly the most widely practiced topics under the larger digital marketing umbrella, with businesses constantly using them to (attempt to) drive revenue and brand awareness. However, these are also the quickest to change, with new platforms and strategies emerging every year. In this course, students will examine how to utilize social media and content to grow business and the analytics used to measure their effectiveness. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisites: MKT 5800 with a minimum grade of C
MKT 5610 Marketing New Ventures Cr. 3
Topics include: product development vs. customer development; market types; customer types; diffusion and adoption life cycle theories and concepts; market opportunity analysis and product/ market fit, estimation of market size; value proposition; positioning statement; marketing strategy and plan to launch and sustain a new venture. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.
MKT 5700 Retail Management Cr. 3
Retailing concepts and problems. Competitive structure, store location, organization, buying, inventory control, sales promotion, pricing, credit policy, customer services, research and franchising. Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: MKT 2300 with a minimum grade of C-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
MKT 5750 International Marketing Management Cr. 3
Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: MKT 2300 with a minimum grade of C-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
MKT 5800 Digital Marketing and Analytics Cr. 3
Introduces all major aspects of digital marketing and analytics. Examines web design and analytics, search engine optimization and marketing, online advertising, email marketing, social media, and reputation management. Prepares students to improve an organization’s digital marketing presence. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: MKT 2300 with a minimum grade of C-
MKT 5840 Special Topics: Search Engine Marketing and Optimization Cr. 3
This course examines the strategic use of search engine marketing and optimization and teaches students how to drive traffic to websites and build customer relationships. Topics in the course will include searcher behavior, anatomy of the search engine, keyword research, content optimization, off-page SEO, and strategies for conducting successful search engine campaigns. By the end of the course, students will be able to derive insights and apply new skills towards improving an organization’s search engine strategy. This course covers emerging research, development, and practice topics from across the field of Marketing. Topics to be announced in schedule of classes. Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
MKT 5850 Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy Cr. 3
Application of basic advertising skills to development of a fully-integrated marketing communications program for a major national or international business; research, media, creative, and promotion strategies. Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: MKT 5490 with a minimum grade of C-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
MKT 5890 Internship in Marketing Cr. 3
Consult School of Business Administration website for further guidelines and application form for the internship. Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: MKT 2300 with a minimum grade of C-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
MKT 6015 Marketing Foundations Cr. 2
Fundamental principles that guide decision making in market-based management systems. Offered for graduate credit only. No credit after former BA 6015. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
MKT 6996 Strategic Marketing Cr. 3
Capstone course in the marketing sequence; includes four components designed to develop skills in planning and development of strategies to solve marketing problems. Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: MKT 2300 with a minimum grade of C-, MKT 5410 with a minimum grade of C-, and MKT 5450 with a minimum grade of C-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
MKT 7050 Marketing Strategy Cr. 3
Application of theory, concepts, and models to contemporary marketing issues and problems. Developing and evaluating successful marketing strategies through analysis of customers, competitors, the organization, and the external environment. No credit for undergraduate marketing majors. No credit after former BA 7050. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: MKT 6015 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
MKT 7150 Global Automotive Marketing Strategy Cr. 3
Marketing concepts, strategies, and tactics in global automotive industry. Marketing principles, role of marketing, target market selection, segmentation, brand management, distribution systems. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: BA 6015 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MKT 7430 Advertising Management Cr. 3
Planning, implementing, and controlling advertising and sales promotion. Internal and external relationships of the advertising department, determining advertising objectives and copy platform, setting the budget, selecting media and measuring advertising effectiveness. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: BA 7050 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MKT 7450 Business Research and Methodology Cr. 3
An intensive study of the objectives and methodologies of research for business decisions. Course topics include: the scientific method, primary and secondary data sources, research design, reliability and validity, sampling, and applied statistics. Focus on the development of decision-oriented research information for all aspects of a business organization. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: BA 7050 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MKT 7460 International Business Cr. 3
Globalization, the multinational firm, and emerging economies. Evolution of the international monetary environment and monetary systems. Theory of the multinational firm and foreign direct investment. Cultural and market opportunity analyses. Internationalization patterns and modes of foreign market entry. Strategic and organizational choice in international business. International alliances and emerging market economies. Fundamentals of international financial management. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: BA 7050 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MKT 7470 Consumer and Industrial Buying Behavior Cr. 3
Behavioral theory as it relates to consumer and industrial decision processes. Relevant concepts, theories, and recent research findings are drawn from the fields of marketing, psychology, social psychology, and communications. Examination of consumer and industrial buying practices. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: BA 7050 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MKT 7500 International Marketing Strategy Cr. 3
Globalization and marketing in the current decade. Marketing and research in the international environment. Cross-national consumer behavior and cross-national segmentation, targeting, and positioning. Product policy and branding in the international environment. International pricing, supply chain management, and communication strategy. Global branding. Marketing problems and opportunities in emerging markets. Organizational and strategic issues in global marketing. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: BA 7050 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MKT 7700 Management of Retail Enterprises Cr. 3
In-depth study of the retail mix variables as they relate to products and services, pricing, promotion, place, and operating policies. Merchandising, inventory controls, store operations, and research approaches in monitoring current trends in retail management. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: BA 7050 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MKT 7860 Social Media and Digital Marketing Analytics Cr. 3
Students will examine some of the top social media platforms today and the analytics used to measure their effectiveness. In addition, students will learn the basics of building a digital marketing team including how to manage digital marketing employees. Offered Winter, Spring/Summer.
Prerequisite: BA 7050 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MKT 7870 Seminar in Marketing Cr. 3
In-depth exploration of new and important subjects or techniques in marketing. Topics vary by semester; consult instructor. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisite: BA 7050 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MKT 7890 Internship in Marketing Cr. 3
Students work a minimum of 160 hours for fifteen weeks in an entry-level management position in marketing. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: BA 7050 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 6 Credits
MKT 7950 Business and Sustainability Cr. 3
How organizations can be good to the environment while being profitable. Sustainability concerns such as climate change, rising energy prices, natural resource depletions, and air pollution. Evaluation of aspects of business operations including marketing and communications, stakeholder engagement, product development, operations, supply chain management, and reporting concerns. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: BA 7040 with a minimum grade of C or BA 7050 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Equivalent: MGT 7950
MKT 7995 Directed Study in Marketing Cr. 1-3
Advanced independent readings and research under supervision of a graduate faculty member in areas of special interest to student and faculty member. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: BA 7050 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 5 Credits