MSL: Master of Studies in Law
MSL 8900 Working with Lawyers Cr. 3
Offers an introduction to the language of the law and the basic structure of the legal system. Teaches legal research and writing for non-lawyers, with a focus on producing investigative reports. Deals with the non-lawyer professional’s interface with legal counsel, both within and outside the organization. Includes instruction regarding the types of activities non-lawyers can handle and what activities should be reserved for lawyers, emphasizing the relevant ethical constraints. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8901 Survey of the Common Law Cr. 3
Provides an overview of torts, contracts, and property. Includes an introduction to basic legal concepts, especially those likely to be encountered in the business world, including agency, vicarious liability, the differences between civil and criminal liability, and how rights are enforced through legal remedies. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8902 Civil Procedure and Introduction to Dispute Resolution Cr. 3
Teaches how legal disputes unfold, from demand letters, pleadings, and service of process through discovery, trial, and appeal. It addresses both formal courtroom process — the life-cycle of a lawsuit — and informal processes such as negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. The course touches upon due process issues and includes an overview of evidence principles. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8903 Government Organization and Regulation Cr. 3
Introduces the structures of government. Covers the key concepts of our constitutional system, including the enumerated powers of the federal government, separation of powers, federalism, the role of the judiciary in constitutional interpretation, and criminal procedure. It also addresses the processes of legislation and administrative law. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8905 Administrative Law for Non-Lawyers Cr. 3
This course introduces students to the function of administrative law in the United States. Administrative law impacts multiple sectors of life, for example health and environment, and understanding how it works is important for those who wish to understand or influence policy. This course will provide information on what agencies do, how they fit into our governmental system, and how their power is limited. Students will leave the course with a better understanding of how administrative law impacts multiple sectors of public life in the United States and how they can interact with and influence the administrative process. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8910 Employment Law: Legal Obligations Cr. 3
Key topics cover wages and hours, hiring and termination, performance evaluation, employee rights (including safety, privacy, use of social media, and whistle-blowing), unemployment compensation, and workers’ compensation. It includes an introduction to employment-related legislation, including the WARN Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, non-compete and nondisclosure agreements, trade secrets, and employment-related immigration. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8911 Employment Law: Workplace Management Cr. 3
This course covers topics such as recruiting employees, assembling an application pool, the application and interview process, pre-employment testing and screening, performance management, severance and post-employment obligations, arbitration agreements, and restrictive covenants. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8912 Employment Discrimination Cr. 3
Discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, and disability, including the role of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Includes diversity and inclusion, affirmative action, unconscious bias, and disability accommodations. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8913 Labor Law and Practice Cr. 3
This course teaches about the right to organize, engage in collective bargaining, strike, and pursue grievances under the National Labor Relations Act and other labor laws. It addresses the role of labor unions and other organizations in both the private and public sectors, and includes treatment of collective bargaining agreements, unfair labor practices, and labor arbitration. The course may include some comparative content, such as European works councils. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8914 Employee Benefits for Human Resource Specialists Cr. 3
Addresses employment-based retirement plans, health plans, short-term and long-term disability insurance, executive compensation, and fringe benefits. Features coverage of relevant statutes, including the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, Internal Revenue Code (as applicable to benefits), COBRA health insurance coverage, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, and Family and Medical Leave Act. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8915 Dispute Resolution in Employment Cr. 2
This course consists of a context-based survey of the dispute resolution processes most often used in employment, including negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and hybrid processes, as well as human resources investigations, interaction with governmental regulators, and termination agreements. It gives consideration to emotionally volatile interactions, and includes some hands-on simulation. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8930 Healthcare Organizations and Administration Cr. 3
This course provides an introduction to healthcare organizations in the United States and legal issues impacting their administration. The course will provide information on types of healthcare organizations, operation of healthcare organizations, and major policies impacting these organizations. Students will leave the course with an overview of the foundational information needed for those who lead in a healthcare organization. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8931 Regulating the Conduct of Healthcare Providers Cr. 3
This course introduces students to the complex set of federal and state regulations which govern the work of healthcare providers. Students will learn about licensing, scope of practice, and discipline of healthcare providers. They will also learn about medical malpractice as it relates to providers. This course seeks to provide those who work in leadership roles in healthcare organizations a survey of the information needed to understand the specialized regulatory landscape impacting those who work in the healthcare system. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8932 Patient Privacy and Control of Patient Medical Records Cr. 3
This course introduces students to legal issues applicable to health information privacy. The sensitive and personal nature of health information and the expansion of modern digital technologies raise important concerns related to how this information is handled, protected, and utilized, particularly in healthcare settings. This course will examine how law governs the uses of health information. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8933 Health Insurance and Healthcare Fraud Cr. 3
The course offers a survey of the myriad legal rules that govern health insurance and healthcare fraud in the United States, primarily on the federal level. Key statutes discussed include the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid, the False Claims Act, the Anti-Kickback Statute, Stark laws, and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8934 Legal Issues in Public Health Cr. 3
This course introduces students to the importance of law and policy as a critical component of public health. The course will provide key information regarding the difference between population based public health and health care and the tensions it can create between private rights and public good. It will provide an overview of the variety of types of laws which are commonly encountered in public health, and it will provide students with an overview of tools non-lawyers may use to understand and/or influence public health policies in their work. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8935 Legal Issues in Bioethics Cr. 3
This course introduces students to legal issues in bioethics. Bioethics is a discipline that examines ethical and social issues that arise from developments in medicine, biological sciences, emerging technologies, and public health. This course will address the legal and policy implications of bioethics in our modern society. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8950 Regulatory Compliance Cr. 3
This course serves as an introduction to fundamental statutes, regulations, and administrative practices essential for regulatory compliance within business and corporate entities. It provides students with a foundational understanding of basic risk management concepts. Throughout the course, students will acquire the skills to identify pertinent laws, regulations, and industry standards crucial for the development of strong compliance management programs. They will learn to formulate and execute effective compliance policies and procedures, as well as design appropriate audit protocols to assess the efficacy of existing policies and procedures. Additionally, students will gain skills to guide the organization's response to regulatory audits or investigations. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8951 Corporate Compliance Cr. 3
This course provides students with a basic understanding of the law that governs business organizations, particularly publicly held corporations. The course considers different business relationships, including the agent/principal dynamic, partnerships, LLCs, ESG, and nonprofits, along with the rights and duties of boards of directors, officers, and shareholders. Other topics include the nature of debt and equity securities, the role of fiduciary duties, the regulation of conflicts of interest, and the fundamentals of mergers and acquisitions. The course introduces students to state and federal statutory systems that regulate business organizations. The course also reviews ethical considerations along with specialized issues in the corporate world. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8952 International Business Compliance Cr. 3
This course provides a survey of the principles required to understand the importance and specialized landscape of legal compliance when conducting international business transactions involving the sale of goods, provision of services, licensing of technology, and foreign direct investment. General themes will include the range of transactions that one encounters in international business, the history and development of compliance and risk assessment in a global context, and the particular challenges of compliance in settings where transactions are regulated by two or more national governments. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8953 Environmental Compliance Cr. 3
This course explores important federal and state environmental laws and regulations as well as significant international treaties concerning the environment. Students will learn about how these laws and regulations are enforced and the role of the various stakeholders involved with monitoring and otherwise ensuring enforcement, including employees, consumers, investors, advocacy groups, and various governmental agencies. Throughout the course, students will acquire familiarity with, and the skills to identify environmental issues arising under pertinent laws, regulations, and industry standards applicable to various industry types or company operations. They will be introduced to environmental reporting and other compliance requirements and how environmental compliance programs are designed and implemented. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8954 Financial Regulation and Compliance Cr. 3
This course will equip you with the basic knowledge and vocabulary to navigate the web of financial institutions, markets, and the legal and regulatory frameworks to which they apply. You will leave this class with: (1) relevant knowledge about financial compliance and the laws and regulations governing financial institutions, (2) an understanding of how financial institutions reduce their legal risk, and (3) well-reasoned opinions about financial regulation and compliance to contribute to future policy debates. The concepts we explore in this class will be relevant for those considering a career in investment banking, financial services, private equity, consulting, accounting, or law. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8955 Privacy and Cybersecurity Law Cr. 3
This course provides an introduction to the law and policy of privacy and cybersecurity. It covers the principal federal laws regulating privacy, such as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act along with the ethical considerations of data privacy. It addresses relevant state laws, including security breach laws and the rapidly expanding set of comprehensive privacy laws, as well as some key non-U.S laws. It introduces cybersecurity frameworks and touches on cybercrime. In addition to cases and statutes, the course will draw from policy discussions and will address the role of regulatory agencies in the enforcement process. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8956 Understanding Financial and Tax Reporting Cr. 3
This course covers basic accounting and tax principles necessary to understand, interpret and analyze financial statements, comply with reporting obligations, and communicate intelligently with business and financial professionals. This class will use real-world examples to illustrate the interrelationships between financial and tax reporting obligations and specific business transactions. The class will also spend time analyzing past financial and tax scandals, the issues that led to them, and the role that compliance professionals could have played in preventing them. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8957 Fair Business Practices Cr. 3
This course explores the regulation of business practices in the United States. Intended to balance the often-competing goals of consumer protection and business growth, laws and regulations governing business practices may put businesses at risk of financial penalties and public scrutiny. This course will also equip you with the basic knowledge and vocabulary to navigate issues related to unfair and deceitful business practices, false advertising and marketing, antitrust, consumer law, and the role of federal and state agencies in regulating business practices. You will leave this course with: (1) relevant knowledge about the laws and regulations governing fair business practices, antitrust, consumer law, and false advertising; (2) an understanding of how businesses identify and reduce their legal risk in these areas, and (3) the ability to engage in meaningful discourse surrounding these topics. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MSL 8995 Capstone Experience Cr. 1-3
This course represents the culmination of a student’s course of study leading to the Master of Studies in Law (MSL) degree. It requires students to draw upon and synthesize what they have learned from their other courses and apply that knowledge in a way that demonstrates mastery of the subject matter. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Studies in Law program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.