Academic Catalog

SPA - Spanish

SPA 1010 Elementary Spanish I Cr. 4

Introduction to the Spanish language and Hispanic culture through interactive and communicative reading, writing, listening and speaking activities to develop language and cultural proficiency. No experience with Spanish is needed. Offered Every Term.

Fees: $5

SPA 1020 Elementary Spanish II Cr. 4

Continuing study of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture through interactive and communicative reading, writing, listening and speaking activities to develop language and cultural proficiency. Offered Every Term.

Prerequisites: SPA 1010 with a minimum grade of C-

Fees: $5

SPA 1060 Elementary Spanish I and II Cr. 6

Designed for students with previous experience with Spanish or another Romance language who would like an abbreviated review before continuing their studies. The first third of the semester is an accelerated review of SPA 1010; the remainder of the semester covers SPA 1020 coursework. Offered Every Term.

Fees: $5

SPA 2010 Intermediate Spanish Cr. 4

Satisfies General Education Requirement: Foreign Culture, Global Learning Inquiry

Continuing study of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture through interactive and communicative reading, writing, listening and speaking activities to develop language and cultural proficiency. Completion of this course fulfills the General Education requirement for foreign language and culture. Offered Every Term.

Prerequisites: SPA 1020 with a minimum grade of C- or SPA 1060 with a minimum grade of C-

SPA 2025 Cultural Connections, Grammar and Composition I Cr. 3

Cultural readings and situations to continue to improve ability to speak, read, write and listen in the Spanish language. Offered Every Term.

Prerequisites: SPA 2010 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 2400 Chicano/a Literature and Culture Cr. 3

Satisfies General Education Requirement: Cultural Inquiry, Civ and Societies (CLAS only), Diversity Equity Incl Inquiry, Global Learning Inquiry

Examination of Chicano/a literature. Themes and figures in a social and historical context. Offered Every Other Year.

Equivalent: LAS 2100

SPA 2500 Puerto Rican Literature and Culture Cr. 3

Satisfies General Education Requirement: Cultural Inquiry, Civ and Societies (CLAS only), Diversity Equity Incl Inquiry

Examination of Puerto Rican literature. Themes and figures in a social and historical context. Offered Every Other Year.

Equivalent: LAS 2110

SPA 2700 Anguish and Commitment: European Existentialist Literature Cr. 3-4

Satisfies General Education Requirement: Cultural Inquiry, Philosophy Letters

A team-taught interdisciplinary study in English of representative works by European existentialist writers: Dostoevsky, Hesse, Kafka, Pirandello, Sartre, Camus and Unamuno. Offered Every Other Year.

Equivalent: FRE 2700, GER 2700, ITA 2700

SPA 3025 Cultural Connections, Grammar and Composition II Cr. 3

Cultural readings and situations to continue to improve ability to speak, read, write and listen in the Spanish language, with an emphasis on vocabulary building and critical thinking. Offered Every Term.

Prerequisites: SPA 2025 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 3040 Spanish for Business and the Legal Professions Cr. 3

Commercial Spanish for basic business, legal and banking transactions and correspondence; terminology used in banking, commerce, accounting and marketing; emphasis on translation and format of commercial documents and letters. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: SPA 2025 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 3050 Spanish for the Health Care Profession Cr. 3

General review of pertinent grammar and specific vocabulary groups relating to specific tasks in the health care professions. Discussions leading to cultural competencies. Exploration of cultural and social factors for communicating with Spanish-speaking patients. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: SPA 2025 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 3200 Conversation Cr. 3

Informal class conversations, debates and oral reports to reinforce grammatical principles and to improve pronunciation through practice and imitation. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: SPA 3025 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 3300 Introduction to Cultural and Literary Analysis Cr. 3

Discussion of literary and cultural readings from Spain and Spanish America; vocabulary building; speaking and reading emphasized. Offered Every Term.

Prerequisites: SPA 3025 with a minimum grade of C or SPA 3100 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 3800 Spanish for Heritage Learners Cr. 3

Review of grammar and composition for Spanish heritage learners. Conducted entirely in Spanish. Offered Intermittently.

Prerequisites: SPA 2025 with a minimum grade of C

Equivalent: LAS 3800

SPA 4610 Introduction to Early Modern Spanish Literature Cr. 3

Spanish literature from the Renaissance to 1700. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: SPA 3300 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 4620 Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature Cr. 3

Spanish literature from 1700 to the present. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: SPA 3300 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 4630 Introduction to Colonial Latin American Literature Cr. 3

A historically and culturally situated introduction to the literature of Early Latin America. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: SPA 3300 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 4640 Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Latin American Literature Cr. 3

Literature in the twentieth and twenty-first century. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 3300 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 5000 Minor Language Practicum Cr. 3

Controlled application of active language skills for students electing a Ph.D. minor in Spanish. No degree credit toward Ph.D. Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Every Term.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Repeatable for 9 Credits

SPA 5100 Advanced Composition Cr. 3

Satisfies General Education Requirement: Writing Intensive Competency

Study and utilization of Spanish in written form: colloquial usage, literary Spanish, commercial Spanish, idiomatic expressions. Brief compositions and translation exercises. Conducted entirely in Spanish. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: SPA 3025 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 5200 Spanish Phonetics Cr. 3

A systematic study of Spanish sounds; conducted in Spanish. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: SPA 3025 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 5300 Advanced Grammar and Stylistics Cr. 3

Intensive study of grammar and syntax. Free composition and conversation. Conducted in Spanish. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 5100 with a minimum grade of C or SPA 3025 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 5400 Introduction to Professional and Literary Translation Cr. 3

Introduction to the practice and principles of translation, both from English to Spanish and Spanish to English, for intermediate to advanced Spanish students. Practice in translating: literary works, legal and medical documents, commercial advertisements, and other texts, while becoming familiar with the history and aspects of the theory of translation. Students will become aware of the importance of translation in areas such as cultural diplomacy, literary studies, law, business and medicine. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 3025 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 5550 Spanish Culture and Its Tradition Cr. 3

Spain's cultural history: painting, sculpture, architecture and music, through films, records, newspapers, and other texts. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 3300 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 5560 Spanish American Cultures and their Traditions Cr. 3

Spanish America before and after the discovery of the New World. Art, music, customs, contemporary institutions, through films, records, newspapers, gallery visit to Detroit Institute of Art, and the text. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 3300 with a minimum grade of C

Equivalent: LAS 5560

SPA 5570 Topics in Hispanic Culture or Language Cr. 3

Specific themes, genres, movements or periods. Topics to be announced in Schedule of Classes. Offered Intermittently.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 5600 Advanced Conversation Cr. 3

Development of advanced conversation skills for Spanish majors and minors. Students will learn strategies to effectively engage in conversations, discussions, debates, and oral presentations. The course is also designed to increase students' awareness of current cultural processes in the Hispanic world through the oral discussion and analysis of readings, cinema, digital media, and other forms of cultural production. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 3300 with a minimum grade of C

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.

SPA 5990 Directed Study Cr. 1-4

Offered Every Term.

Repeatable for 8 Credits

SPA 5999 Internship in Spanish Cr. 3

Internships allow students to apply the knowledge they have acquired through the Program and to gain practical experience in their scholarly and professional areas of interest. An internship can also allow students to explore possible areas in which they would like to pursue a career. Offered Every Term.

Prerequisite: SPA 3025 with a minimum grade of C-

SPA 6400 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics Cr. 3

Principles of linguistics and their application to Spanish. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisite: SPA 5200 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 6410 Spanish Medieval Literature: Origins to 1500 Cr. 3

Main currents and masterworks of Spanish literature from its origins to 1500. (Formerly SPA 6500.) Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 6420 Early Modern Spanish Studies Cr. 3

Literary genres of the early modern period (poetry and narrative: picaresque, pastoral, morisco, and chivalric). Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 6440 Spanish Literature of the Eighteenth Century Cr. 3

Literature of the Spanish Enlightenment; major works and literary trends and movements in the Spanish eighteenth century up to Romanticism. (Formerly SPA 6520.) Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 6450 Spanish Romanticism Cr. 3

Origins and development of Romanticism in Spain: theatre, poetry, costumbrismo, and other narrative. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 6470 The Spanish Novel of the Twentieth Century Cr. 3

Novelists of the twentieth century, including those of the Silver Age (1900-1936) and those associated with Tremendismo, Social Realism, and the contemporary experimental novel. (Formerly SPA 6993.) Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 6490 Spanish Poetry of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Cr. 3

Representative figures and trends in Modern and contemporary Spanish poetry. Post-Romanticism, Symbolism, the Silver Age (1900-1936), and contemporary poetry. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 6560 Cervantes Cr. 3

A detailed study of Don Quijote. Other short works of Cervantes. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 6570 The Comedia Cr. 3

Analysis of plays by Lope de Vega, Tirso de Molina, Calderon, Maria de Zayas and other dramatists of Spain's Golden Age. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 6590 Genres and Topics in Peninsular Spanish Literature Cr. 3

Topics such as twentieth-century Spanish theatre, the Picaresque novel, and eighteenth-century Spanish theatre, to be announced in Schedule of Classes. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

Repeatable for 9 Credits

SPA 6600 Colonial Latin American Studies Cr. 3

The writing of Colonial Latin America. Cultural encounter and negotiation seen through literature, history and the arts. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 6610 Latin American Novel to 1900 Cr. 3

Development of the Latin American novel in the 19th century. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 6620 Latin American Novel in the 20th and 21st Centuries Cr. 3

Roots of the modern novel in Spanish America; its stages of evolution through the vanguard period into the contemporary stage, with emphasis on representative figures such as Carpentier, Cortazar, and Garcia Marquez. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 6630 Spanish American Poetry Cr. 3

Major figures of the twentieth century and their texts, from the Vanguard period to contemporary poetry. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 6690 Genres and Topics in Spanish American Literature Cr. 3

Topics in the literature of Spanish America, such as the short story or theatre, to be announced in Schedule of Classes. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

Repeatable for 9 Credits

SPA 6700 Spanish Literature of the Silver Age: 1900-1936 Cr. 3

Writers of the first three decades of the twentieth century; current narratological theories applied to intertextual maneuvers and philosophical concepts. Offered Intermittently.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 6710 Unamuno's Existential Fiction Cr. 3

Important novels of Miguel de Unamuno; emphasis on characters and their agonization in a circumscribed area. Offered Intermittently.

Prerequisites: SPA 4610 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4620 with a minimum grade of C, SPA 4630 with a minimum grade of C, or SPA 4640 with a minimum grade of C

SPA 7010 Introduction to Literary Theory Cr. 3

Graduate-level introduction to key critical perspectives, theories, problems, and questions that have informed the discussions and analyses of twentieth- and twenty-first-century literary and cultural scholars. Specific theoretical paradigms used to determine the task of textual interpretation, locate the limits of each approach, trace the emergence of subsequent theoretical paradigms, and think about how such theories might or might not be relevant in the study of specific texts. Offered Every Other Year.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Equivalent: FRE 7010, GER 7010, ITA 7010

SPA 7510 History of the Spanish Language Cr. 3

Origins, development and linguistic status of the Spanish language in Spain and Spanish America. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisite: SPA 5200 with a minimum grade of C

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

SPA 7770 Special Studies in Spanish Literature Cr. 3

Study of the works of an outstanding writer, a literary genre, or literary trends. Offered Fall, Winter.

Prerequisites: SPA 6410-6710 with a minimum grade of C

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Repeatable for 12 Credits

SPA 7996 Research Project Cr. 1-4

Offered Every Term.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Repeatable for 12 Credits

SPA 7999 Master's Essay Direction Cr. 1-3

Offered Every Term.

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students with a class of Candidate Masters; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

SPA 8420 Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics Cr. 3

Seminar topics will vary according to the principal divisions of Spanish linguistics: phonology, morphology, lexicography, syntax, and dialectology. Offered Intermittently.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Equivalent: LIN 7320

Repeatable for 9 Credits

SPA 8510 Seminar in the Golden Age Cr. 3

Topics to be announced in Schedule of Classes. Offered Intermittently.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Repeatable for 9 Credits

SPA 8530 Seminar in Spanish Literature of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries Cr. 3

Topics to be announced in Schedule of Classes. Offered Intermittently.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Repeatable for 9 Credits

SPA 8550 Seminar in Spanish Literature of the Twentieth Century Cr. 3

Topics to be announced in Schedule of Classes. Offered Intermittently.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Repeatable for 9 Credits

SPA 8610 Seminar in Spanish American Narrative Cr. 3

Narrative genres in Spanish America including short story, essay, novel, short novel; development, history, period characterization. Topics to be announced in Schedule of Classes. Offered Intermittently.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Repeatable for 9 Credits

SPA 8999 Master's Thesis Research and Direction Cr. 1-8

Offered Every Term.

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students with a class of Candidate Masters; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Repeatable for 8 Credits

SPA 9990 Pre-Doctoral Candidacy Research Cr. 1-8

Research in preparation for doctoral dissertation. Offered Every Term.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Repeatable for 12 Credits

SPA 9991 Doctoral Candidate Status I: Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 3-9

Offered Every Term.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Repeatable for 9 Credits

SPA 9992 Doctoral Candidate Status II: Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 1-18

Offered Every Term.

Prerequisite: SPA 9991 with a minimum grade of S

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Repeatable for 18 Credits

SPA 9993 Doctoral Candidate Status III: Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 7.5

Offered Every Term.

Prerequisite: SPA 9992 with a minimum grade of S

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

SPA 9994 Doctoral Candidate Status IV: Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 7.5

Offered Every Term.

Prerequisite: SPA 9993 with a minimum grade of S

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

SPA 9995 Candidate Maintenance Status: Doctoral Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 0

Offered Every Term.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Fees: $434.8

Repeatable for 0 Credits

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