TED - Teacher Education
TED 2020 Technology Integration in Teaching Cr. 3
An introduction to various experiences exploring current technologies used to inform and support instructional strategies and practices, and content pedagogy in K-12 classrooms. Offered Every Term.
TED 2200 Foundations I: Foundations of Education in Urban Spaces Cr. 2
An examination of issues surrounding social justice in urban schools and society through the exploration of the historical, political and social trends that influence education. Offered Every Term.
Corequisite: TED 2205
Equivalent: TED 2250
TED 2205 Foundations Field Experience Cr. 1
This course is a school-based clinical experience for students interested in becoming a teacher. This experience includes but is not limited to, relevant classroom observations, collaborating with a cooperating teacher in a PreK through Grade 12 school setting, working with individual and small groups of students, and four face-to-face meetings with a course instructor. This course requires students to attend an off-campus placement, assigned by the Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences. All students must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided their placement information. Students must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Fall, Winter.
Corequisite: TED 2200
TED 2210 Foundations II: Intersections of Culture, Language, Identity & Schooling Cr. 2
This course is designed to increase students’ knowledge and appreciation of the cultural, social, political and economic realities of our complex, pluralistic society in relation to our educational system. Students will examine the historical foundations of U.S. education, with attention to groups who have historically been denied access to equitable educational experiences. This course will examine educational policies, practices, and beliefs underlying inequities in schooling. The principles of multicultural education, culturally responsive pedagogy, universal design and socio-emotional learning will be introduced as frameworks for classroom organization and instructional planning. Offered Every Term.
Equivalent: BBE 1005
TED 2220 Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling Cr. 2
Philosophy and practices of inclusive schooling, including legal and ethical responsibilities of teachers of marginalized learners, history of disability rights movement, inclusive teaching practices, Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Offered Every Term.
TED 2250 Becoming an Urban Educator Cr. 3
Examination of issues surrounding social justice in urban schools and society through the exploration of the historical, political, and social trends that influence education. Course includes a 40-hour service learning field experience. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
TED 2500 Introduction to Asian American Studies Cr. 3
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Diversity Equity Incl Inquiry
This course will provide an overview of the historical and contemporary experiences of Asian Americans and Asian migrants in the United States. We will examine major themes, including race and racism, exclusion and assimilation, ethnic and pan-ethnic identities and communities, intersectionality and comparative racialization, as well as activism and social movements. We will analyze these themes within the broad dynamics of empires, wars, globalizations, migrations, and the making of the U.S. as a nation-state and a global power. Offered Yearly.
Equivalent: ASN 2500
TED 5100 Professional Engagement, Advocacy, and Instructional Planning Cr. 2
Identify sources and impact of teaching beliefs, knowledge, and practices. Design curriculum to organize and enact knowledge, experience, and standards. Develop approaches for student engagement for learning and assessment. Analyze strategies of teacher agency and advocacy. Offered Every Term.
TED 5150 Analysis of Elementary Teaching Cr. 3,5
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Writing Intensive Competency
Organization and management of classrooms. Lesson planning, teaching strategies and testing procedures. Work in classroom assigned by both an experienced public school teacher and a University faculty member. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $29
TED 5350 Topics in Racial Justice in Education Cr. 3
Topics, theories, pedagogies, and research methodologies related to racial justice in PK-12 schools and in pre-service and in-service teacher education, including white supremacy, racialization, antiracism, and decolonization. Applications to educational policies, curriculum, instruction, and co-curricular activities that are relevant to racial/ethnic minority students and educators in PK-12 schools. Implications for students and educators from diverse and intersectional perspectives. Offered Every Term.
Repeatable for 12 Credits
TED 5400 Topics in LGBTQ+ Studies in Education Cr. 3
Topics, theories, and issues related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression in PK-12 schools and in pre-service and in-service teacher education. Applications to educational policies, curriculum, instruction, and co-curricular activities that are relevant to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ+) students and educators in PK-12 schools. Implications for students and educators from diverse and intersectional perspectives. Offered Every Term.
Repeatable for 12 Credits
TED 5600 Assessment for Middle and Secondary Education Cr. 3
Candidates will learn about varying assessment techniques, their utility in the classroom, and appropriate strategies for their implementation. Candidates will also develop their knowledge of standardized testing and teacher evaluation systems. Offered Yearly.
Corequisite: TED 6670
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the BS in Education or MA in Teaching programs.
TED 5650 Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience for Secondary Majors Cr. 5
Field experience in secondary school settings prior to full-time student teaching. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
TED 5780 Directed Teaching and Conference Cr. 1-12
Directed teaching in schools at level for which students are preparing for certification. Includes regular conference in which teaching methods in various fields are explored. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
TED 5790 Directed Teaching and Conference for Special Groups Cr. 1-15
Directed teaching in schools at level for which advanced students are preparing for certification; discussion of educational issues. For students seeking endorsements in special areas; for example: special education, early childhood, art. Students interested in completing general elementary and special education field experiences in the same semester should see advisor for eligibility requirements. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Repeatable for 15 Credits
TED 5791 Directed Teaching and Conference for Pre-Kindergarten Cr. 6
This course is a preschool level field experience for students who are working toward the Birth-Kindergarten Endorsement for certification. Offered Yearly.
Corequisite: ELE 6080
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
TED 5792 Directed Teaching and Conference for Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education Cr. 6
Directed teaching in early intervention (EI) and/or early childhood special education (ECSE) for advanced students who are preparing for teaching certification in the Birth-Kindergarten grade band; discussion of educational issues. Offered Yearly.
TED 5900 Post-Certification Clinical Experience Cr. 1
This course offers a school-based clinical experience for PK-12 teachers seeking to add an additional content area endorsement (i.e., ESL/BBE, math, social studies, etc.) and/or grade band endorsement (i.e., K-8, 6-12, K-12) to an existing Michigan teaching certification. Experience includes relevant classroom observations; data collection on student learning, instruction, assessment; lesson plan implementation; and collaboration with the course instructor and mentor educators. Offered Every Term.
Repeatable for 4 Credits
TED 6020 Technology Integration in Teaching Cr. 3
An introduction to various experiences exploring current technologies used to inform and support instructional strategies and practices, and content pedagogy in K-12 classrooms. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 6140 Local School Curriculum Planning Cr. 1-6
For classroom teachers and teacher educators. Consideration of local problems in elementary and secondary school programs. Planning for better teaching and learning. Offered Intermittently.
Repeatable for 12 Credits
TED 6200 Foundations I: Foundations of Education in Urban Spaces Cr. 2
Examines issues surrounding social justice in urban schools and society through the exploration of the historical, political and social trends that influence education. Offered Every Term.
Corequisite: TED 6205
TED 6205 Foundations Field Experience Cr. 1
This course is a school-based clinical experience for students interested in becoming a teacher. This experience includes but is not limited to, relevant classroom observations, collaborating with a cooperating teacher in a PreK through Grade 12 school setting, working with individual and small groups of students, and four face-to-face meetings with a course instructor. This course requires students to attend an off-campus placement, assigned by the Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences. All students must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided their placement information. Students must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Every Term.
Corequisite: TED 6200
TED 6210 Foundations II: Intersections of Culture, Language, Identity and Schooling Cr. 2
This course is designed to increase students’ knowledge and appreciation of the cultural, social, political and economic realities of our complex, pluralistic society in relation to our educational system. Students will examine the historical foundations of U.S. education, with attention to groups who have historically been denied access to equitable educational experiences. This course will examine educational policies, practices, and beliefs underlying inequities in schooling. The principles of multicultural education, culturally responsive pedagogy, universal design and socio-emotional learning will be introduced as frameworks for classroom organization and instructional planning. Offered Winter.
TED 6220 Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling Cr. 2
Philosophy and practices of inclusive schooling, including legal and ethical responsibilities of teachers of marginalized learners, history of disability rights movement, inclusive teaching practices, Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Offered Every Term.
TED 6370 Equity and Inclusion in Diverse Urban Education Settings Cr. 4
Clinical based course, using inclusive instructional practices for all students including, but not limited to, students with disabilities, English Language Learners, and special populations such as: at-risk, and gifted and talented in inclusive urban settings. Offered Fall.
TED 6380 Integrating Content Cr. 1-12
Current issues and trends related to integrating content areas; theory, methods, materials and strategies. Content areas announced in Schedule of Classes. Offered Yearly.
Repeatable for 12 Credits
TED 6610 Elementary Education P-3 Clinical Methods I Cr. 2
This is a school-based clinical experience. This course is for candidates accepted into the Elementary Education P-3 certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor (supervisor) and cooperating teacher (CT) in the certification area. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in an elementary setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups and the whole class. This course requires candidates to attend an off-campus placement for one (1) full day per week or 2 half-days (4 hours each) each week for 15 weeks. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: TED 2205 with a minimum grade of C and TED 6375 with a minimum grade of C (may be taken concurrently)
Corequisite: ELE 6210
TED 6615 Elementary Education 3-6 Clinical Methods I Cr. 2
This is a school-based clinical experience. This course is for candidates accepted into the Elementary Education 3-6 certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor (supervisor) and cooperating teacher (CT) in the certification area. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in an elementary setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups and the whole class. This course requires candidates to attend an off-campus placement for one (1) full day per week or 2 half-days (4 hours each) each week for 15 weeks. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: TED 2205 with a minimum grade of C and TED 6385 with a minimum grade of C (may be taken concurrently)
Corequisite: ELE 6215
TED 6620 Middle and Secondary Education Clinical Methods I Cr. 2
This is a school-based clinical experience. This course is for candidates accepted into a Middle Childhood or Secondary Education certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor (supervisor) and cooperating teacher (CT) in the certification area. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in a middle or secondary setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires candidates to attend an off-campus placement for one (1) full day per week. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Winter.
Prerequisite: TED 2205 or TED 6205
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the BS in Education or MA in Teaching programs.
TED 6630 Multi-Age Education Clinical Methods I Cr. 2
This is a school-based clinical experience. This course is for candidates accepted into a Multi-Age Education certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher (CT) in the certification area. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in a multi-age setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires candidates to attend an off-campus placement for one (1) full day per week. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Multi-Age Education.
TED 6660 Elementary Education Clinical Methods II Cr. 2
This is a school-based clinical experience. This course is for candidates accepted into the Elementary Education certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor (supervisor) and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in an elementary setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires candidates to attend an off-campus placement for 1 full day per week. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: (TED 2205 with a minimum grade of C or TED 6205 with a minimum grade of C), (TED 6610 with a minimum grade of C or TED 6615 with a minimum grade of C), (TED 6370 with a minimum grade of C or TED 6380 with a minimum grade of C), and (object Object)
Corequisite: ELE 6800
TED 6670 Middle and Secondary Education Clinical Methods II Cr. 3
This is a school-based clinical experience. This course is for candidates accepted into a Middle Childhood or Secondary Education certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor (supervisor) and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in a middle or secondary setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires candidates to attend an off-campus placement for 2 full days per week. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Fall.
Prerequisite: TED 6620
Corequisite: TED 5600
TED 6680 Multi-Age Education Clinical Methods II Cr. 3
This is a school-based clinical experience. This course is for candidates accepted into a Multi-Age Education certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in a multi-age setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires candidates to attend an off-campus placement for 2 full days per week. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Multi-Age Education.
TED 6710 Middle and Secondary Education Student Teaching Seminar Cr. 3
This course is designed (1) to support you in the process of becoming a teaching professional, (2) to provide you with a space to share your experiences, questions, discoveries, and reflections, and (3) to synthesize the material learned in university courses and what is happening in PK-12 classrooms. A focus is placed on the process of finding a teaching job, the components of a teaching portfolio, how to prepare for a successful interview, and what to expect as a first-year teacher. Offered Winter.
Corequisite: TED 6760
TED 6720 Multi-Age Education Student Teaching Seminar Cr. 3
This course is designed (1) to support you in the process of becoming a teaching professional, (2) to provide you with a space to share your experiences, questions, discoveries, and reflections, and (3) to synthesize the material learned in university courses and what is happening in PK-12 classrooms. A focus is placed on the process of finding a teaching job, the components of a teaching portfolio, how to prepare for a successful interview, and what to expect as a first-year teacher. Offered Winter.
Corequisite: TED 6770
TED 6730 Early Childhood Education Preschool Student Teaching Cr. 6
This school-based experience is for Early Childhood Education certification candidates. Candidates are mentored by a supervisor & cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates transition into taking the lead in a classroom setting. They plan, deliver & assess instruction in an ECE setting. They apply pedagogical content knowledge and work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates must attend the COE Early Childhood Center for ½ day, every day for the entire semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences assigns the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to confirming their placement. Candidates must meet all requirements for Michigan childcare licensing, including comprehensive background check with FBI fingerprints, first aid and CPR certification, completing required health and safety modules in MiRegistry.org, and a negative TB test. Candidates must have their own transportation. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2055 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6055 with a minimum grade of C), and ELE 6045 with a minimum grade of C
Corequisite: ELE 6080
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 6735 Graduate ECE Preschool Student Teaching Cr. 4
This school-based experience is for Early Childhood Education certification candidates. Candidates are mentored by a supervisor & cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates transition into taking the lead in a classroom setting. They plan, deliver & assess instruction in an ECE setting. They apply pedagogical content knowledge and work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates must attend the COE Early Childhood Center for ½ day, every day for the entire semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences assigns the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to confirming their placement . Candidates must meet all requirements for Michigan childcare licensing, including comprehensive background check with FBI fingerprints, first aid and CPR certification, completing required health and safety modules in MiRegistry.org, and a negative TB test. Candidates must have their own transportation. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2055 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6055 with a minimum grade of C), and ELE 6045 with a minimum grade of C
Corequisite: ELE 6080
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 6740 ECE Special Education Student Teaching Cr. 6
This is a school-based Student Teaching experience, for candidates accepted into the Early Childhood Education certification program. Candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates slowly transition into taking the lead in the classroom setting. They are responsible for planning, delivering, and assessing instruction in an elementary level setting. They apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework and work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates are required to attend an off-campus placement for ½ day, every day for an entire 15-week semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2055 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6055 with a minimum grade of C), and ELE 6045 with a minimum grade of C
TED 6745 Graduate ECE Special Education Student Teaching Cr. 4
This is a school-based Student Teaching experience, for candidates accepted into the Early Childhood Education certification program. Candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates slowly transition into taking the lead in the classroom setting. They are responsible for planning, delivering, and assessing instruction in an elementary level setting. They apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework and work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates are required to attend an off-campus placement for ½ day, every day for an entire 15-week semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2055 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6055 with a minimum grade of C), and ELE 6045 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 6750 Elementary Education Student Teaching Cr. 12
This is a school-based Student Teaching experience. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher with like certification. Candidates will slowly transition into taking the lead in the classroom setting. They will be responsible for planning, delivering, and assessing instruction in an elementary level setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates are required to attend an off-campus placement every day, all day, for an entire 15-week semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: ELE 6805 with a minimum grade of C and TED 6660 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the BS in Education program.
TED 6755 MAT Elementary Education Student Teaching Cr. 8
This is a school-based Student Teaching experience. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates will slowly transition into taking the lead in the classroom setting. They will be responsible for planning, delivering, and assessing instruction in an elementary level setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework, working with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates must attend an off-campus placement every day, all day, for an entire 15-week semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisite: ELE 6805 with a minimum grade of C or TED 6660 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Elementary Education; enrollment limited to students in the MA in Teaching program.
TED 6760 Middle and Secondary Education Student Teaching Cr. 12
This is a school-based Student Teaching experience. This course is for candidates accepted into a Middle Childhood or Secondary Education certification program. Candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher with like certification. Candidates will slowly transition into taking the lead in a classroom setting. They will be responsible for planning, delivering, & assessing instruction in a middle or secondary setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge from their coursework - working with individuals, small groups, & the whole class. Candidates must attend an off-campus placement every day, all day, for an entire 15-week semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisite: TED 6670
Corequisite: TED 6710
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Middle Childhood Education or PB Teaching Cert; enrollment limited to students in the BS in Education program.
TED 6765 MAT Middle and Secondary Education Student Teaching Cr. 8
This is a school-based Student Teaching experience. Candidates must be accepted into an MAT Middle Childhood or Secondary Education certification program. Candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher with like certification. Candidates will slowly transition into taking the lead in the classroom setting. They will be responsible for planning, delivering, and assessing instruction in a middle or secondary setting. They apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework - working with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates must attend an off-campus placement every day, all day, for an entire 15-week semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisite: TED 6670
Corequisite: TED 6710
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Middle Childhood Education or Secondary Education.
TED 6770 Multi-Age Education Student Teaching Cr. 12
This is a school-based Student Teaching experience. This course is for candidates accepted into a Multi-Age Education certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates will slowly transition into taking the lead in the classroom setting. They will be responsible for planning, delivering, and assessing instruction in a multi-age setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates are required to attend an off-campus placement every day, all day, for an entire 15-week semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Winter.
TED 6775 MAT Multi-Age Education Student Teaching Cr. 8
This is a school-based Student Teaching experience. This course is for candidates accepted into an MAT Multi-Age Education certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates will slowly transition into taking the lead in the classroom setting. They will be responsible for planning, delivering, and assessing instruction in a multi-age setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates are required to attend an off-campus placement every day, all day, for an entire 15-week semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Multi-Age Education.
TED 6780 Content Endorsement Practicum Cr. 1
This is a school-based clinical practicum. This course is for candidates who are adding a content endorsement to their initial teacher certification. Candidates are mentored by a cooperating teacher (CT) with like endorsement certification. Candidates must be accepted into one of the EPP Endorsement programs. Candidates assist in planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction at their endorsement setting. They apply pedagogical content knowledge from their coursework, working with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires students to attend an off-campus placement for 30 hours within one semester. Placements will be made by the Office of Educational Partnerships, and Experiences or hours will be completed as ‘on-the-job.’ Candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to the beginning of the semester. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Fall, Winter.
TED 6785 Grade Band Endorsement Practicum Cr. 1
This is a school-based clinical endorsement. This course is for candidates who are adding a grade-band endorsement to their initial teacher certification. Candidates are mentored by a cooperating teacher (CT) with like endorsement. Candidates must be accepted into one of the EPP Endorsement programs. Candidates will assist in planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction at their endorsement setting. They apply pedagogical content knowledge from their coursework and work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires students to attend an off-campus placement for 50 hours within one semester. Placements will be made by the Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences or completed as ‘on-the-job’. Candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to the beginning of the semester. Students must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Fall, Winter.
TED 6790 Special Education Internship Cr. 6
This is a school-based internship. This course is for candidates accepted into one of the Special Education Endorsement programs. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in a special education setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge from their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires students to attend an off-campus placement for eight (8) full-time consecutive weeks. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All students must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Students must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the BS in Education program.
TED 6795 Graduate Special Education Internship Cr. 4
This is a school-based internship. This course is for candidates accepted into one of the Graduate Special Education Endorsement programs. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor (supervisor) and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in a special education setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge from their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires students to attend an off-campus placement for eight (8) full-time consecutive weeks. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All students must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Students must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: (SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5075 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5080 with a minimum grade of C, and SED 5090 with a minimum grade of C) and ((object Object) or (object Object))
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Curriculum and Instruction or Teaching and Learning; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 6810 Special Education Practicum Cr. 3
This is a school-based practicum. This course is for candidates accepted into one of the Special Education Endorsement programs. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a cooperating teacher (CT) with matching certification. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing instruction in a special education setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge from their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires teacher candidates to attend an off-campus placement for 180 hours within one semester. Depending on circumstances, placements will be made by the Office of Educational Partnerships, and Experiences or hours will be completed as ‘on-the-job.’ All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to the beginning of the semester. Teacher candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Fall, Winter.
TED 6815 Graduate Special Education Practicum Cr. 2
This is a school-based practicum. This course is for candidates accepted into one of the Special Education Endorsement programs. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a cooperating teacher (CT) with matching certification. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing instruction in a special education setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge from their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires teacher candidates to attend an off-campus placement for 180 hours within one semester. Depending on circumstances, placements will be made by the Office of Educational Partnerships, and Experiences or hours will be completed as ‘on-the-job.’ All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to the beginning of the semester. Teacher candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Curriculum and Instruction or Teaching and Learning.
TED 6820 BBE-ESL Endorsement Clinical Cr. 2
This is a school-based clinical experience for candidates who are adding a content endorsement to their initial teacher certification & accepted into one of EPP endorsement programs. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a cooperating teacher (CT) with like endorsement & assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, & assessing of instruction in their endorsement setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge from their coursework while working with individuals, small groups, & the whole class. This course requires students to attend an off-campus placement for 50 hrs within one semester & complete the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol modules. Placements will be made by the Office of Educational Partnerships & Experiences or hours will be completed as ‘on-the-job’. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided their placement information & their own transportation as they may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: LED 6565 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 7000 Introductory Master's Seminar Cr. 2-3
Skill development in the three primary areas: information access through the variety of resources available in a university library; comprehension and evaluation of technical literature; employment of APA style in technical writing. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 7030 Foundations of Teaching and Learning Cr. 3
Theoretical foundations guiding classroom teaching and learning with applications to curricular and instructional practices and their implications for the experiences of children of cultural heritages. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Education Specialist Cert or Master of Education degrees.
TED 7060 Inclusive Education, Curriculum and Pedagogy Cr. 3
This course has two emphases. First, it provides graduate students with foundational knowledge about the philosophy and sociology of inclusive education as it relates to students who are members of marginalized groups. Second, it provides students with opportunities to learn a basic framework for inclusive education, curriculum, and pedagogy. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Education Specialist Cert or Master of Education degrees.
TED 8100 Doctoral Seminar: Thought, Language, Power, Social Interaction and Learning Cr. 3
Examines the relationships between thought, language, power, and social interaction as they relate to teaching and learning. The seminal works of educational theorists who address these topics will be explored and applied to present day curricula and issues in education. This seminar will introduce socio-cultural theories and theorists and the influence their stances have had and continue to have on education across time and place. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Educational Studies; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 8150 Pro-Seminar I: Introduction to Research in Educational Studies Cr. 1
Introduction to doctoral research in educational studies including: research and inquiry processes; educational issues and problems addressed by educational studies scholars; and tools of educational research. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Educational Studies; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 8200 Doctoral Seminar: Education in Socio-Political Culture Cr. 3
Investigates educational issues within the social, political, and cultural arena; examines mechanisms, policies, and practices that impact teaching and learning. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Educational Studies; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 8250 Pro-Seminar II: Introduction to Research in Educational Studies Cr. 1
Introduction to research in educational studies with emphasis on problem identification, literature review, and academic positions for educational researchers. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Educational Studies; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 8270 Seminar: Issues in Curriculum and Instruction Cr. 2-6
For specialist and doctoral students. Analysis of basic issues in curriculum and instruction and their implications for program: early childhood, K-12, adult curricula. Critique of recent research and development efforts. Application to problems of leadership in school-wide curricular improvements. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 8 Credits
TED 8280 Intersectional and Critical Qualitative Methods in Education Cr. 3
To implement knowledge of critical qualitative methodologies for research across educational contexts and spaces. To understand ethics of qualitative educational research with and for youth and communities. To practice approaches to critical qualitative research design, implementation, data collection, and data analysis. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 8350 Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Cr. 3
Theoretical bases of curricular development and instructional innovation. Their application to the tasks of the curriculum maker explored as various education positions are taken and examined. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Educational Studies; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 8400 Issues in Urban Education Cr. 3
Explores urban issues of global, national, and regional importance in the field of curriculum and critical social inquiry from the perspective of those who are often the least served by current educational and social arrangements. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 8500 Integrating STEM Content Cr. 3
Current issues and trends related to integrating STEM content areas; theory, methods, materials, and strategies. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 8550 Doctoral Seminar: STEM Education and Research Cr. 3
Critical analysis of policy, theory, practice, and research in STEM education disciplines; Integrating STEM education deliberation, policymaking, practice, and research; Cultural/social/political and historical/contemporary bases of STEM education; Nodes of intersection of policies, theories, practice, and research as integrated STEM education. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Educational Studies; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 9130 Doctoral Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction Cr. 3
An examination of curriculum theory and concepts that apply to the development of content and instructional strategies relevant to contemporary education. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 9620 Doctoral Internship in Curriculum and Instruction Cr. 3-6
Planned and supervised professional field-based experience relevant to doctoral program and projected profession. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 6 Credits