Academic Catalog

UP - Urban Planning

UP 3530 Urban and Regional Planning Cr. 3

Introduction to urban and regional planning concepts, including zoning, growth management and economic development. Emphasis on metropolitan Detroit. Offered Yearly.

Prerequisites: US 2000 with a minimum grade of D-

Equivalent: US 3530

UP 4460 Sustainable Cities Cr. 3

Through the lens of the planner’s triangle of Environmental preservation, Equity, and Economic growth—the 3-Es of sustainability—this course explores the ways in which the natural world affects and is affected by both growing and shrinking cities, and how cities may manage growth, shrinkage, or redevelopment to create a more green, just, and prosperous urban future. Offered Fall, Winter.

UP 4550 State, Regional and Urban Economic Development: Policy and Administration Cr. 3

This course examines fundamental theories and concepts of economic development, traces how policy thinking about the development process has changed over time, and highlights issues of emerging relevance in the field. In the last four decades, shifting global economic trends (as well as new empirical findings from extensive research across the globe) have posed new challenges to our understanding of how and why regions grow, develop, and change – and what to do about it. In the course, we will use directed readings, policy debates, and case materials to examine how our current thinking about key development problems—such as economic growth, employment, competitiveness, industrial upgrading, skill formation, the organization of work, and institutional arrangements that sustain innovative development processes—has changed in light of the new global challenges. Offered Yearly.

UP 5010 Resources and Communication in Planning Cr. 3

Introduction to the use of basic tools and techniques of professional planning practice, including data resources, computer applications, map and plan preparation, presentation techniques. Offered Yearly.

UP 5110 Urban Planning Process Cr. 3

Scope and historical development of planning. Topics relevant to the practice of planning: theory, planning practice, social and physical development policy. Offered Yearly.

UP 5430 Cities and Food Cr. 3

Analysis of urban food systems for their social, economic, health and environmental impacts; discussion of strategies to develop sustainable alternatives. Offered Winter.

UP 5650 Metropolitan Detroit Cr. 3

Comprehensive analysis of metropolitan Detroit: city, suburbs and surrounding region. Historical development, physical foundations, economic and political expansion, ethnic and cultural areas, geopolitical infrastructure, social change, present-day problems and current events shaping the area's spatial structure. Offered Yearly.

UP 5670 Modern American Cities Cr. 3

History of U.S. cities since World War II. Topics include suburbanization, deindustrialization, gentrification, and globalization. Offered Intermittently.

Equivalent: HIS 5670

UP 5820 Urban and Regional Economics Cr. 4

Introduction to the economic foundations of urban problems; land use, housing, poverty, transportation, local public finance; regional industry mix, income, growth and development; the national system of cities and location of firms. Offered Yearly.

Equivalent: ECO 5800

UP 5999 Special Topics Cr. 1-4

Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Repeatable for 8 Credits

UP 6120 Planning Studies and Methods Cr. 4

Economic base, population, and land use studies. Discussion of approaches used to solve selected community development problems. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 6260 Land Use Policy and Planning Cr. 3

Role of economics, history, and technology in shaping land use patterns within limits established by public policies and the legal system. Development of conceptual and practical skills for effective ethical intervention in local land markets. Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 6310 Real Estate Development Cr. 3

Process of urban real estate development; emphasis on market analysis, the construction process, and finance. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 6320 Quantitative Techniques I Cr. 4

Statistical inference with emphasis on applications including central tendency, dispersion, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Equivalent: GPH 6420

UP 6340 Community Development Cr. 3

Overview of contemporary community development practice in U.S. cities with emphasis on community-based approaches and the role of non-profit organizations. Housing and economic development aspects of neighborhood revitalization; social and political development. Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 6350 Housing Policy and Programs Cr. 3

Governmental housing policies and programs at the Federal, state and local levels. Role of community-based organizations in housing activities. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 6470 Environmental Planning Cr. 3

Overview of local and regional environmental planning and policy. Rationale and ethics of environmental interventions; major elements of environmental plans and impact statements; current approaches to environmental problems. Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 6510 Urban and Regional Systems Cr. 3

Theory course dealing with concepts, processes and organization of urban and metropolitan regions, primarily focusing on the western world experience. Primary focus on system structure and change in response to market forces, technology, and public policy. Offered Yearly.

UP 6520 Transportation Policy and Planning Cr. 3

Introduction to the role of transportation in the planning process involving both regional and urban considerations. Offered Yearly.

UP 6550 Regional, State, and Urban Economic Development: Policy and Administration Cr. 3

Examination of regional, state, and local economic development theory, analysis, policy and administration. Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Every Other Year.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 6570 Local Economic Development: Implementation and Finance Cr. 3

Detailed examination of economic development programs available to local governments for commercial revitalization (neighborhood and downtown), and industrial development and redevelopment. Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 6650 Planning and Development Law Cr. 3

Techniques available to guide land development. Concepts in zoning, subdivision regulations, timing and sequence of land development. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 6680 Neighborhood Decline and Revitalization Cr. 3

Examination of reasons for neighborhood change and how plans and policies can be specified and implemented for neighborhood improvement. Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Every Other Year.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 6700 Geographic Information Systems Cr. 4

Principles and applications of GIS, including spatial statistics, computer graphics, computer cartography. Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 6750 State and Local Public Finance Cr. 4

Theory and practice of state and local government taxation and expenditure. Attention devoted to State of Michigan and municipalities in Detroit metropolitan area. Topics include: government organization, voting and mobility models, property and sales taxes, user charges, grants, education expenditure, and economic development. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Equivalent: ECO 6520

UP 7000 Detroit Revitalization Project Cr. 0

Employment placements in Detroit public and private institutions and companies for the purpose of workshop experience in practical solutions to urban and community revitalization. Offered Every Term.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 7010 Planning and Decision Theory Cr. 3

Review of political, ethical, professional dimensions of planning; models of planning; communicative and group processes; negotiation and conflict resolution; decision-making in contexts characterized by uncertainty and complexity. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 7130 Advanced GIS Applications Cr. 4

Use of GIS for spatial analysis and computer cartography. No credit after GPH 4600. Offered Fall.

Prerequisite: UP 6700 with a minimum grade of C

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 7500 Master's Professional Report Cr. 3

Applies the skills and competencies learned in the program on a project of the student's choosing. Under the close guidance of a MUP faculty member, the student will study a planning topic, issue, or community project and write a professional report based on this study with implications for local practice/policy. The goal is that the student demonstrate an understanding of urban planning theory and practice, public policy and planning processes, analytical techniques, and appropriate professional writing and analysis skills. Offered Every Term.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 7700 Projects in Urban Planning Cr. 4

Development and application of research design to specified urban problems. Offered Every Other Year.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 7800 Internship in Planning Cr. 1-3

Practicum for MUP Program. Field placement with public or nonprofit agency assigned by Urban Planning Intern Coordinator. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 7810 Internship in Community Food Systems Planning Cr. 3

Practicum in community food systems planning. Field placement with public or nonprofit agency or private firm assigned by the Urban Planning Intern Coordinator. Offered Every Term.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 7990 Directed Study Cr. 1-4

Independent reading and research. Offered Every Term.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Repeatable for 8 Credits

UP 7996 Research Topics Cr. 1-4

Individual problems in urban planning. Offered Every Term.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Repeatable for 6 Credits

UP 7999 Master's Essay Direction Cr. 3

Offered Every Term.

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students with a class of Candidate Masters; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

UP 8999 Master's Thesis Research and Direction Cr. 1-8

Offered Every Term.

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students with a class of Candidate Masters; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Repeatable for 8 Credits

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