Chairperson: Scott Bowen
Associate Chairperson: Emily Grekin
ABBEY, ANTONIA: Ph.D., M.A., Northwestern University; B.A., University of Michigan; Professor
ABEL, ERNEST L.: Ph.D., M.A., B.A., University of Toronto; Professor Emeritus
ABREGO, TIFFANY: Ph.D., M.S., Eastern Michigan University; BA University of California, Riverside; Associate Professor - Clinical
ALEXANDER, SHELDON: Ph.D., University of Rochester; B.A., City College of New York; Professor Emeritus
ASDOURIAN, DAVID J.: Ph.D., University of Illinois, B.A., City College of New York; Professor Emeritus
BALTES, BORIS: Ph.D., M.A., Northern Illinois University; M.B.A., University of Wisconsin; Professor
BARNETT, DOUGLAS: Ph.D., M.A., University of Rochester; B.A., Boston University; Professor
BARTOI, MARLA: Ph.D., M.A., University of South Florida; B.A., University of Michigan; Associate Professor (Clinical)
BEEGHLY, MARJORIE: Ph.D., M.A., University of Colorado, Boulder; B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz; Professor
BOGG, TIM: Ph.D., M.A., B.S., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Associate Professor
BOWEN, SCOTT E.: Ph.D., M.A., B.A., University of Mississippi; Professor and Chair
BRUMMELTE, SUSANNE: Ph.D., M.A., University of Bielefeld; Associate Professor
COSTA, CHRISTINA: Ph.D., M.S., B.A., University of Michigan - Ann Arbor; Assistant Professor - Teaching
DAMOISEAUX, JESSICA: Ph.D., VU University Amsterdam; M.S., B.S., Utrecht University; Associate Professor
DAUGHERTY, ANA: Ph.D., M.A., Wayne State University; B.S., Westmont College; Assistant Professor
DAVIDSON, KENNETH S.: Ph.D., M.A., University of Michigan; B.A., Yale University; Associate Professor Emeritus
DICKSON, MARCUS W.: Ph.D., M.A., University of Maryland at College Park; B.A., West Virginia Wesleyan College; Professor
FISCHER, THOMAS M.: Ph.D., M.A., University of California- Riverside; B.S., Michigan State University; Associate Professor
FITZGERALD, JOSEPH M.: Ph.D., M.A., West Virginia University; B.A., State University of New York at Buffalo; Professor Emeritus
FRANKLIN, MARILYN: Ph.D., Wayne State University; M.S.W., City University of New York hunter College; B.A., New York University; Assistant Professor (Clinical)
GREKIN, EMILY: Ph.D., M.A., Emory University; B.A., Carlton College; Associate Professor
HANNIGAN, JOHN: Ph.D., M.A., State University of New York at Binghamton; B.S., Fairfield University; Professor
JONES, LARA: Ph.D., M.S., University of Georgia; B.S., University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Associate Professor
KILBEY, M. MARLYNE: Ph.D., M.A., University of Houston; B.A., Oklahoma Baptist University; Professor Emerita
KOPETZ, CATALINA: Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park; M.S., Universite de Savoie; B.S. ,Babes-Bolyai University; Associate Professor
LEANDER, N. PONTUS: Ph.D., Duke University; M.A., Duke University B.A., Georgia State University; Associate Professor
LEGGETT, AMANDA: Ph.D., M.S., Pennsylvania State University; B.A., Queens University of Charlotte; Assistant Professor
LICHTENBERG, PETER: Ph.D., M.S., Purdue University; B.A., Washington University; Professor
LUMLEY, MARK: Ph.D., M.S., University of Florida; B.S., Wayne State University; Distinguished Professor
PARTRIDGE, ROBERT: Ph.D., M.A., Wichita State University; B.A., Southwestern College; Associate Professor
RAPPORT, LISA J.: Ph.D., M.A., University of California-Los Angeles; B.A. University of Michigan; Professor
RATNER, HILARY H.: Ph.D., M.S., University of Massachusetts; B.A., Kent State University; Professor Emerita
RAZ, SARAH: Ph.D., M.A., University of Texas at Austin; B.A., Hebrew University; Associate Professor
SCHACTER, HANNAH: Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles; B.A., Hamilton College; Assistant Professor
SIMON, VALERIE A.: Ph.D., M.A., University of Denver; M.A., American University; B.A., Loyola University; Professor
SKINNER, OLIVENNE: Ph.D., M.A., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; B.A., New York University; Assistant Professor
SNEED, RODLESCIA: Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University; M.P.H., Columbia University; B.A., Princeton University; Assistant Professor
SPIELMANN, STEPHANIE B.A.: Ph.D., M.A., University of Toronto; B.A., Wilfrid Laurier University; Associate Professor
TORO, PAUL A.: Ph.D., M.A., University of Rochester; B.A., State University of New York at New Paltz; Professor
TRENTACOSTA, CHRISTOPHER: Ph.D., M.A., University of Delaware; B.A., Loyola College; Associate Professor
WEISFELD, GLENN E.: Ph.D., University of Chicago; M.S., Tufts University; B.S., University of Wisconsin; Professor Emeritus
WHITMAN, R. DOUGLAS: Ph.D., Brandeis University; M.A., Queen's University; B.S., Syracuse University; Professor Emeritus
WOODARD, JOHN L.: Ph.D., Wayne State University; M.A., University of Dayton; A.B. Ripon College; Professor
ZILIOLI, SAMUELE: Ph.D., Simon Fraser University; M.A., Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milan Italy; Assistant Professor
PSY 5020 Honors Research in Psychology Cr. 3
Critical evaluation of scientific literature and the planning and development of psychological research proposals. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: PSY 2010 with a minimum grade of C, PSY 2020 with a minimum grade of C, and PSY 3993 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology Honors.
PSY 5040 Cognitive Neuroscience Cr. 3
Brain processes and brain structures that support them, framed in terms of theoretical models and empirical evidence from brain imaging techniques and patient populations. Topics include attention, memory, space, language, and decision-making. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: PSY 3120 with a minimum grade of C or PSY 3330 with a minimum grade of C
PSY 5070 Neuropharmacology Cr. 3
Physiological and behavioral bases of drug action, with emphasis on brain neurotransmitters, psychopharmacology, and substance abuse disorders. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: PSY 1010 with a minimum grade of C and (PSY 3120 with a minimum grade of C or PSY 3330 with a minimum grade of C)
PSY 5080 Cellular Basis of Animal Behavior Cr. 3
Relationship between behavior and neuroscience using a variety of animal models, each examined from the level of natural behavior progressively to the cellular level. Topics include: sensory systems, motor behavior, and learning. Offered Winter.
Equivalent: BIO 5080
PSY 5100 Applied Statistics in Psychology Cr. 4
General linear model, coding techniques, multiple correlation and regression, analysis of variance and covariance, planned and post hoc tests, use of statistical computer packages. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: PSY 2020 with a minimum grade of C
PSY 5330 Human Neuropsychology Cr. 3
History of the development of human neuropsychology. Neuropsychological mechanisms underlying behavior and mental processes: sensory-motor mechanisms; integrative action of the nervous system; mechanisms involved in emotional behavior and learning and memory. Current perspectives of theories of brain organization and function and empirical foundations of neuropsychological assessment. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: (PSY 1010 with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 1020 with a minimum grade of D-) and (PSY 3120 with a minimum grade of C or PSY 3330 with a minimum grade of C)
PSY 5360 Child Language Acquisition Cr. 3
Despite its complexity and abstractness, young children acquire language without conscious effort or explicit instruction in a span of just a few years. This feat is unique to humans and is unmatched by any other species or even the most sophisticated computers. The course will present a comprehensive introduction to the study of child language acquisition. We will use a cross-linguistic approach to discuss some of the most important issues in language acquisition. We will not only talk about what children accomplish linguistically at various ages, but also discuss various theoretical approaches to explaining how children acquire linguistic knowledge in different domains, focusing on acquiring the sound inventory, words and sentence structure. We will look at some of the methods that have been employed to collect and analyze child language data. Offered Fall.
PSY 5440 Developmental Neuropsychology Cr. 3
Neurobiology of development. Topics include: neuroplasticity throughout the life span, maturation of the brain and neural connectivity, neurodevelopment of behavioral, emotional, social and cognitive functions. This course will bridge human behavioral and animal models to illustrate the dexterity and limitations of available scientific methods to study developmental neuropsychology. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisites: PSY 1010 with a minimum grade of C and (PSY 3120 with a minimum grade of C or PSY 3330 with a minimum grade of C)
PSY 5700 The Psychology of African Americans Cr. 4
Methodological approaches to and theories of Black behavior and personality development. Topics include: race and pathology, life-span and psycho-sexual development, personality formation, social and environmental stress and adaptation. Offered Every Term.
Equivalent: AFS 5700
PSY 5710 Dispute Resolution Cr. 3
Overview of the processes and actors in the field of dispute resolution including negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and conciliation. Offered Yearly.
PSY 5900 Culture, Language and Cognition Cr. 3
Systematic investigation of the relationships among, language, cognition and culture, including issues relating to human universals, cross-cultural concept formation, metaphor, classification and the evolution of cognition and language. Offered Every Other Winter.
Prerequisites: ANT 3310 with a minimum grade of D-, ANT 5320 with a minimum grade of D-, LIN 3310 with a minimum grade of D-, LIN 5320 with a minimum grade of D-, LIN 3080 with a minimum grade of D-, or PSY 3080 with a minimum grade of D-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate or Undergraduate level students.
PSY 6010 Equitable Partnerships with Families and Communities Cr. 3
Theory and research-based strategies that support equitable collaboration between professionals and families to best meet the needs of children. Explores family and community contexts as assets for learning. Emphasis on culturally and linguistically responsive approaches to learn about and leverage family strengths and priorities, as well as communication strategies for making shared decisions with families. Offered Fall.
PSY 6020 Political Psychology Cr. 3
Political attitudes and behavior of both ordinary citizens and political elites using theory and research that adopt a psychological perspective. Topics include: political socialization, ideological belief systems, role of mass media in shaping beliefs and attitudes, race and gender stereotypes and their psychological and political consequences, personality and the dynamics of political leadership. Offered Yearly.
Equivalent: PS 6010
PSY 6200 Development of Memory Cr. 3
Major theoretical models of memory development will be discussed and used to explore various aspects of the memory process from infancy to adulthood. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisites: PSY 3080 with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 2400 with a minimum grade of D-
PSY 6500 Advanced Psychological Statistics Cr. 3
Review of core statistical procedures; in-depth exploration of concepts of correlation and regression. Brief review of descriptive statistics and methods of statistical inference. Statistical software will be introduced and used. Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Industrial/Organizational Psy.
PSY 6510 Organization Theory Cr. 3
Work organization theories, and history of social modeling; classical, neoclassical, and open system of contingency theories. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Industrial/Organizational Psy.
PSY 6520 Organizational Behavior Cr. 3
Employee motivation, job attitudes, leadership and management development; related aspects of organizational behavior, design and development. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Industrial/Organizational Psy.
PSY 6535 Psychometric Theory Cr. 3
Development, validation, and use of psychological tests and other psychological instruments. Origins and value of psychological testing. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: PSY 6500 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Industrial/Organizational Psy.
PSY 6550 Training and Employee Development Cr. 3
Theory and practice of organizational training, employee development, and management development; establishment of performance standards, performance appeal process, evaluation of training and development programs. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Industrial/Organizational Psy.
PSY 6570 Research Methods in Industrial/Organizational Psychology Cr. 3
Field and lab research methods for workplace settings. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Industrial/Organizational Psy.
PSY 7010 History and Systems of Psychology Cr. 2-3
History and philosophical ideas that have influenced development of the scientific field of psychology. Core issues in philosophy of science; their integration with major theories, philosophies and trends in development of modern psychology. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7080 Human Cognition Cr. 3
Unified approach to human cognitive activity, including perception, attention, memory, language, concepts, and problem solving. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7120 Biological Basis of Behavior Cr. 3
Major literature relating the anatomy of the nervous system to psychological processes. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7150 Quantitative Methods in Psychology I Cr. 4
Introduction to statistical inference for psychologists. Bivariate measures of relationship and associated statistical tests: chi square, t-test, F test and selected rank order tests. Research methods including randomized designs, repeated measures, counter-balancing and Latin square designs, and quasi-experimental designs common to applied social science research, such as matched case controls, pre- and post- designs, and interrupted time-series. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7160 Psychometrics and Factor Analysis Cr. 3
Psychometric theory and psychological measurement including Factor Analysis and Item Response Theory. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: PSY 7150 with a minimum grade of C (must be taken at WSU)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7200 Psychological Assessment I Cr. 4
Psychometric theory and application emphasizing reliability, validity, utility and interpretation of selected intelligence, achievement, and objective personality tests, including the WAIS-IV and MMPI-2. Required lab section includes individual supervision on interviewing, testing, and report writing. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7210 Psychological Assessment II Cr. 4
Half of the course covers child intellectual and academic assessment, based on measures such as the WISC-IV and WIAT-II. The other half addresses adult personality assessment, based on measures such as the Rorschach and TAT. Emphasis on providing feedback and writing reports for clients. Required lab section includes individual supervision on interviewing, testing and report writing. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: PSY 7200 with a minimum grade of B (must be taken at WSU)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7230 Assessment Practicum Cr. 1
Students learn to conduct psychological assessments of adults and children. Skills taught include how to: a) generate clinical hypotheses; b) interview patients; c) select, administer, score, and interpret a range of psychological measures; d) integrate findings to answer assessment questions; e) write assessment reports; f) give feedback; and g) both receive and provide supervision. Unique aspects of assessing specific clinical conditions or disorders will be covered. Students will present cases based on assessments they conduct in the departmental training clinic. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 3 Credits
PSY 7240 Ethics, Professional Issues, and Diversity Cr. 1
Three separate sections of this course focus on ethical principles as applied to practice, research and teaching, human diversity. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Philosophy degree.
Repeatable for 3 Credits
PSY 7250 Theory of Personality Cr. 3
Major approaches to the study of personality. Current psychological research and issues in the field; implications for psychotherapy and assessment. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Philosophy degree.
PSY 7270 Research Methods in Clinical Psychology Cr. 3
Examines a range of methods that address the most commonly asked questions in the science of clinical psychology. Topics include defining research questions, reviewing literatures, designing studies, collecting data, and interpreting data. Specific topics include observational methods, longitudinal designs, clinical trials, program evaluation, mediators and moderators, publishing, and grant writing. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Philosophy degree.
PSY 7290 Diversity, Systems, and Inequality Cr. 3
Focuses on the impact of diversity, systems, and inequality in the U.S. on the field of psychology. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7300 Psychopathology Cr. 1,2
Basic psychological concepts of psychopathology with a focus on adult disorders. Current theory and research and their implications for clinical practice. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 3 Credits
PSY 7310 Developmental Psychopathology Cr. 3
Processes of development as they relate to emergence and course of psychopathology from conception through young adulthood; theory and research on major forms of psychopathology with childhood and adolescent onset. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7330 Clinical Neuropsychology Cr. 3
History of the development of clinical neuropsychology. Current perspectives of theory and empirical foundations of neuropsychological assessment. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7340 Neuropathology and Behavior Cr. 3
Discussion of the current state of neuropathology and its cognitive consequences. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7370 Psychological Interventions I Cr. 3
Survey of intervention development, theory and research; focus on empirically-supported individual psychotherapy for adults and evidenced-based therapeutic processes. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: PSY 7300 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7380 Psychological Interventions II Cr. 3
Survey of intervention development, theory and research; focus on evidence-based interventions for children and adolescents as well as systems (families, groups, communities). Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: PSY 7370 with a minimum grade of B (must be taken at WSU)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7400 Introduction to Life-Span Developmental Psychology Cr. 3
Theory, methods and selected content areas; cognitive and social development as they relate to the entire life cycle. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7425 Psychology of Infant Behavior and Development Cr. 3
Prenatal development and infancy through the toddler years. Major theoretical positions and research relating to motor, perceptual, cognitive, language, social, and emotional development. Implications for parenting, programming, and care. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7430 Developmental Assessment of Infants and Toddlers Cr. 3
Overview of assessment methods; training in administration of the Bayley Scales of Infant development. No credit after PSY 6470. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisite: PSY 6420 with a minimum grade of C or PSY 7400 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7440 Cognitive Development Cr. 3
Current theoretical perspectives and related research on cognitive development in childhood; topics include cognition, memory, concepts, and language. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisite: PSY 7400 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7450 Social Development Across the Life-Span Cr. 3
Recent perspectives on the psychological and environmental factors affecting social development across the life-span. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7470 Interdisciplinary Research Methods in Social, Cognitive and Developmental Psychology Cr. 3
Required of all first-year students in cognitive, developmental, and social psychology. Advanced survey of research design methods and issues across a broad array of social and behavioral fields, including cognitive, developmental, social, and personality psychology. Also covers Master's thesis development and ethical and professional issues. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7490 Psychology of Aging Cr. 3
Provides foundational familiarity with the diverse conceptual and empirical contributions of psychology to the scientific study of aging. The study of aging, gerontology, is multidisciplinary activity, which this course will reflect by integrating psychological approaches to aging with models of aging grounded in biology, genetics, neuroscience, as well as the social sciences. Major topics studied include research methods and design, longevity, aging of the brain and the cardiovascular system, health and well-being, memory, intelligence, emotions, personality, social behavior, and psychopathology. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisite: PSY 7400 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7500 Research Methods in Industrial/Organizational Psychology Cr. 3
Analysis of methodology and research design problems in the field of industrial psychology; discussion of professional and ethical problems. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisite: PSY 7150 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7510 Criterion Development and Performance Evaluation: Theory and Research Cr. 3
Nature and kinds of criteria of job performance; development and measurement of criteria; problems and issues in performance evaluation. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: PSY 7500 with a minimum grade of B (may be taken concurrently) and PSY 7160 with a minimum grade of B (may be taken concurrently)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7520 Selection and Placement: Theory and Research Cr. 3
Principles in development and evaluation of employee selection procedures; methods for establishing job-relatedness; problems and issues in evaluation and use of employee selection procedures. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisites: PSY 7500 with a minimum grade of B (may be taken concurrently) and PSY 7160 with a minimum grade of B (may be taken concurrently)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7560 Leadership and Executive Development: Theory and Research Cr. 3
Selected leadership research studies; theories relating to leadership; principles of training and development. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisite: PSY 7500 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7570 Industrial Motivation and Morale: Theory and Research Cr. 3
Meaning of motivation and incentive as used in industry; research methods for study of motivation, job satisfaction, and morale; research data and interpretations in theoretical frameworks. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisite: PSY 7500 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7590 Industrial and Organizational Psychology Cr. 3
Lecture, discussion, analysis of articles and chapters, in-class exercises. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7620 Social Psychology: Research and Theory Cr. 3
Graduate-level introduction to the major theoretical and research areas of social psychology; current issues and research. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7645 Social Psychology of Close Relationships Cr. 3
Social Psychological theory and research that examines the dynamics of close relationships, including relationship formation, maintenance, enhancement, and dissolution. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisite: PSY 7620 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7745 Job Analysis and Performance Criteria Cr. 3
Job analysis methods, criterion development, and performance appraisal. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Industrial/Organizational Psy; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7750 Organizational Staffing Cr. 3
Recruitment, screening, and personnel selection. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: PSY 7745 with a minimum grade of B (must be taken at WSU)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Industrial/Organizational Psy; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7770 Testing in the Workplace Cr. 3
Test development; in-depth discussion of existing tests. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: PSY 6535 with a minimum grade of B (must be taken at WSU)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Industrial/Organizational Psy; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $100
PSY 7780 Industrial/Organizational Psychology Cr. 1
Approved internship field placement for a period of one semester to two years. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Industrial/Organizational Psy; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 4 Credits
PSY 7790 Capstone Course Cr. 3
Special topics in I/O psychology. Students write a major paper or conduct an individual project. Offered Spring/Summer.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Industrial/Organizational Psy; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 7990 Directed Study Cr. 1-9
For students who wish further study of technical literature of a problem systematically reviewed in a preceding course. Intensive and systematic reading of original literature (particularly journals) dealing with topic or problem. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 9 Credits
PSY 7991 Current Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience Cr. 1
Discussion of current papers in the field. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 12 Credits
PSY 7997 Research Problems Cr. 1-8
Original research under direction of departmental staff. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 32 Credits
PSY 8000 Clinical Internship Cr. 1
Approved placement in an APA accredited internship for a one- to two-year period. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 3 Credits
PSY 8040 Social Neuroscience Cr. 3
Neurobiology of social cognition. Topics include: social communication, decision making, group dynamics, face/race processing, action and gesture cognition, emotional processing, development. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 8050 Cognitive Neuroscience Cr. 3
Concepts and methods used to study neurobiological basis of cognition, covering brain systems involved in perception, attention, memory, language, and decision making, as well as life-span development of brain, cognition and psychopathology. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 8060 Functional Neuroanatomy Cr. 4
Anatomical features of the human nervous system; emphasis on relationship between neural structure and behavior. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $15
PSY 8065 Neurophysiology and Neural Plasticity Cr. 3
Physiological and molecular properties of neurons and the relationship of neural plasticity to behavior and development. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisites: PSY 8060 with a minimum grade of C (must be taken at WSU)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 8070 Psychopharmacology Cr. 3
Psychological and biological bases of psychopharmacology; emphasis on preclinical models and development of treatments for psychological disorders. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 8140 Meta-Analysis Cr. 2-3
Use of quantitative techniques for summarizing research results in psychology. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: PSY 8150 with a minimum grade of B (must be taken at WSU)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 8150 Multivariate Analysis in Psychology Cr. 4
Extension of the general linear model to multivariate statistical techniques, including: exploratory factor analysis and principal components analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, discriminant function analysis, canonical correlation analysis, and multivariant analysis of variance. Offered Winter.
Prerequisite: PSY 7150 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 8170 Structural Equation Modeling Cr. 3
Practical introduction to structural equation modeling. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: PSY 7160 with a minimum grade of B (must be taken at WSU)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 8190 Statistical Analysis of Longitudinal and Nested Data Cr. 3
Extends the general linear model framework to the analysis of non-independent data including data that is hierarchically nested (persons within groups) and longitudinally nested (time within persons). Techniques covered include: Multilevel Models, Latent Growth Models, and Survival Analysis. Offered Fall.
Prerequisite: PSY 7160 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 8300 Health Psychology I Cr. 3
Theoretical and empirical review of major topics in behavioral approaches to health and illness, including: 1) theories of health behavior and behavior change; 2) psychological impact of acute and chronic physical illness; and 3) health care utilization including health disparities, patient-provider communication, and psychosocial factors that affect adherence. . Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 8320 Biobases of Health Psych Cr. 3
Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisites: PSY 8300 with a minimum grade of B or PSY 8310 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 8340 Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment Cr. 3
Review of principles and literature on neuropsychological assessment, common neuropsychological tests and test batteries, in context of actual clinical cases. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 8350 Community Psychology Cr. 3
Current findings, theory, and research in the field of community psychology. Emphasis on current urban problems. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 8390 Therapeutic Intervention Practicum Cr. 1
Students learn to conduct evidence-based psychological interventions with adults, children, couples, and families. Skills taught include how to: a) develop case conceptualizations based on different theoretical models; b) apply techniques from motivational, cognitive-behavioral, relational, psychodynamic, and other therapies; c) develop and maintain the therapeutic alliance; d) track outcomes and modify approach as needed; e) terminate cases; and f) both receive and provide supervision. Unique aspects of intervening for specific clinical conditions or disorders will be covered. Students will present cases based on interventions they conduct in the departmental training clinic. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: PSY 7380 with a minimum grade of B (must be taken at WSU)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 3 Credits
PSY 8440 Developmental Neuropsychology Cr. 3
Neurobiology of development. Topics include: neuroplasticity throughout the life span, maturation of the brain and neural connectivity, neurodevelopment of behavioral, emotional, social and cognitive functions. This course will bridge human behavioral and animal models to illustrate the dexterity and limitations of available scientific methods to study developmental neuropsychology. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment is limited to students in the Department of Psychology.
PSY 8500 Seminar in Industrial/Organizational Psychology Cr. 1-3
For industrial/organizational psychology students. Current topics in industrial psychology; content varies. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 15 Credits
PSY 8600 Seminar in Experimental Social Psychology Cr. 3
Review and evaluation of the literature on some current topic of research or theoretical concern. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 9 Credits
PSY 8620 Social Cognition Cr. 3
How mental representations underlie the processes of social thought and behavior. Students survey, evaluate, and discuss social cognition processes and research; group work to design and conduct tests of social-cognitive processes. Offered Every Other Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 8630 Motivation Science Cr. 3
The seminar will revisit some classics and will cover recent work on motivation. It aims to provide basic understanding into the theoretical and empirical developments that have marked the field and that may have the potential to inspire future developments into both the basic and applied areas. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 8740 Seminar in Psychological Measurement and Statistics Cr. 2-3
Topics in measurement and statistical analysis; exploratory data analysis and related problems; multidimensional scaling and clustering techniques; time series analysis; analysis of longitudinal data; item response theory and tailored testing; statistical power. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisites: PSY 7160 with a minimum grade of B (must be taken at WSU)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 9 Credits
PSY 8760 Seminar in Clinical Psychology Cr. 1-3
New clinical methods and scientific developments in the field of clinical psychology. Meets with continuing education seminars in clinical psychology. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 9 Credits
PSY 8999 Master's Thesis Research and Direction Cr. 1-8
Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Psychology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 8 Credits
PSY 9990 Pre-Doctoral Candidacy Research Cr. 1-8
Research in preparation for doctoral dissertation. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 12 Credits
PSY 9991 Doctoral Candidate Status I: Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 3-9
Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 9 Credits
PSY 9992 Doctoral Candidate Status II: Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 1-18
Offered Every Term.
Prerequisite: PSY 9991 with a minimum grade of S
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 18 Credits
PSY 9993 Doctoral Candidate Status III: Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 7.5
Offered Every Term.
Prerequisite: PSY 9992 with a minimum grade of S
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 9994 Doctoral Candidate Status IV: Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 7.5
Offered Every Term.
Prerequisite: PSY 9993 with a minimum grade of S
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
PSY 9995 Candidate Maintenance Status: Doctoral Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 0
Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $434.8