APR - Art: Printmaking
APR 2300 Printmaking Cr. 3
Introduction to a variety of printmaking processes may include the following: lithography, etching, monotype, screenprint, and, relief. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisite: ADR 1050 or ACO 1200
Fees: $90
APR 3470 Photo-Processes for Printmaking I Cr. 3
Light sensitive printmaking processes are explored, and may include photo-lithography, photo-etching, photo-screen printing, and cyanotypes. Students may create prints utilizing traditional or digital drawing, analog or digital photography, and hybrid techniques. Offered Winter.
Prerequisite: ADR 1050 or AGD 2240 or ADA 2220 or APH 2410
Fees: $115
APR 3480 Intaglio I Cr. 3
Basic metal plate printing techniques: etching, aquatint, drypoint, soft ground, and lift ground. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisite: ADR 1050 or ACO 1200
Fees: $110
APR 3490 Lithography I Cr. 3
Fundamentals of stone and plate lithography applying traditional and contemporary techniques of crayon, tusche, and photolithography. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisite: ADR 1050 or ACO 1200
Fees: $110
APR 3500 Screen Printing I Cr. 3
Introduction to basic techniques of screen printing. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisite: ADR 1050 or ACO 1200
Fees: $110
APR 3510 Relief and Experimental Printmaking I Cr. 3
Traditional and contemporary methods of relief printmaking including woodcut and linoleum. Collograph, monoprint, monotype, and experimental methods may be included. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: ADR 1050 or ACO 1200
Fees: $90
APR 5470 Photo-Processes for Printmaking II Cr. 3
Light sensitive printmaking processes are explored, and may include photo-lithography, photo-etching, photo-screen printing, and cyanotypes. Students may create prints utilizing traditional or digital drawing, analog or digital photography, and hybrid techniques. Emphasis on creating a conceptually focused body of work. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: APR 3470
Fees: $115
Repeatable for 9 Credits
APR 5480 Intaglio II Cr. 3
Further development of intaglio printmaking skills including: range of techniques, color methods, and printing. Emphasis on creating a conceptually focused body of work. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: APR 3480
Fees: $110
Repeatable for 9 Credits
APR 5490 Lithography II Cr. 3
Advanced problems in lithography. Black and white, multicolor, transfer methods. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: APR 3490
Fees: $110
Repeatable for 9 Credits
APR 5500 Screen Printing II Cr. 3
Further development of screen-printing techniques and printing. Emphasis on creating a conceptually focused body of work. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: APR 3500
Fees: $110
Repeatable for 9 Credits
APR 5510 Relief and Experimental Printmaking II Cr. 3
Emphasis on creating a conceptually focused body of work and increased relief technical skills through the practice of multiple block/plate printing, color, large format, unique format, and hybrid techniques. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: APR 3510
Fees: $90
Repeatable for 9 Credits
APR 7470 Graduate Photo Processes for Printmaking Cr. 3
Exploration of non-traditional formats and print surfaces. Editioning optional. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in a Master of Arts or Master of Fine Arts degrees; enrollment is limited to students in the Department of Art, Art History, and Design.
Fees: $115
Repeatable for 9 Credits
APR 7480 Graduate Intaglio Cr. 3
Advanced problems in intaglio. Multiplate and rollup color printing. Photo intaglio techniques, experimental media. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in a Master of Arts or Master of Fine Arts degrees; enrollment is limited to students in the Department of Art, Art History, and Design.
Fees: $110
Repeatable for 9 Credits
APR 7490 Graduate Lithography Cr. 3
Advanced work in lithography. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in a Master of Arts or Master of Fine Arts degrees; enrollment is limited to students in the Department of Art, Art History, and Design.
Fees: $110
Repeatable for 6 Credits
APR 7500 Graduate Serigraphy Cr. 3
Advanced work in serigraphy. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in a Master of Arts or Master of Fine Arts degrees; enrollment is limited to students in the Department of Art, Art History, and Design.
Fees: $110
APR 7510 Graduate Relief and Experimental Printmaking Cr. 3
Traditional relief methods: woodcut, wood engraving, linocut; also monoprint and monotype, constructed prints, other experimental approaches. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in a Master of Fine Arts degree; enrollment is limited to students in the Department of Art, Art History, and Design.
Fees: $90
Repeatable for 15 Credits
APR 8840 MFA Studio: Printmaking Cr. 3-9
Extended problems in printmaking; individual research with eighteen to twenty-seven hours of laboratory per week. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in a Master of Fine Arts degree; enrollment is limited to students in the Department of Art, Art History, and Design.
Fees: $100
Repeatable for 36 Credits