Academic Catalog

HE- Health Education

HE 1010 Foundations of Health and Health Promotion Cr. 3

Foundations of the community health education profession and practice, including history, settings, organizations, ethics and employment. Offered Yearly.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.

HE 2310 Dynamics of Personal Health Cr. 3

Critical health issues relevant to both traditional and non-traditional college students today. In-depth study of varied health issues and applications to personal, family and community needs. Offered Every Term.

HE 2320 Advancing Policy in Community Health Education Cr. 3

Provides an overview of the community health policy process, advocacy and social, political and environmental issues affecting urban populations. Offered Winter.

HE 3300 Health of the School Child Cr. 3

Health status and problems of school-age children. Role of teacher and schools in promoting healthy behavior. Emphasis on impact of institutional forces (e.g., family, media) on development of children's health beliefs and behavior. Offered Every Term.

HE 3344 Methods and Materials in Community Health Education Cr. 3

Frameworks, practical applications and mechanics of conducting health interventions in community settings. Offered Fall.

Prerequisites: HE 1010 with a minimum grade of D-

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.

HE 3440 Nutrition and Health Education Cr. 3

Relationships between dietary intake and health status in various populations. Role and responsibilities of health educators in nutrition programs. Concepts from health psychology applied to school and community approaches. Offered Fall, Winter.

HE 3500 Human Disease Cr. 3

Body system impairments from disease, injury or congenital abnormalities that relate to morbidity and mortality in the U.S. Signs, symptoms, causes, prevention, and treatment. Offered Fall, Winter.

Prerequisite: HE 3440 with a minimum grade of C or NFS 2030 with a minimum grade of C

HE 3990 Individual Problems in Health Cr. 1-3

Solving a specific personal health problem or studying a specific community health problem under the guidance of divisional staff. Offered Every Term.

Prerequisite: HE 2310 with a minimum grade of C or HE 2320 with a minimum grade of C

Repeatable for 3 Credits

HE 4010 Foundations of Community Health Program Planning Cr. 3

Introduction and practical application of health promotion program planning, including: developing a need assessment, recruiting community support, writing program goals and objectives, developing a program plan, identifying existing interventions and/or designing new intervention activities to address program objectives, using theory to enhance effective programming, program implementation, budgeting and measurement. Offered Winter.

Prerequisites: HE 1010 with a minimum grade of C

HE 4902 Health Education Internship Cr. 5-6

Students contribute expertise and enthusiasm to their host agency and demonstrate their ability to perform the duties of a community health professional. Offered Every Term.

Prerequisites: HE 4010 with a minimum grade of D- (may be taken concurrently), HE 5522 with a minimum grade of D-, and HE 6330 with a minimum grade of D-

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.

Fees: $16

Repeatable for 6 Credits

HE 5522 Health Psychology Cr. 3

Foundations of health, research methods, biological foundations of health/illness, stress, nutrition, obesity, eating disorders, substance abuse and health, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and health, exercise and cancer; HIV, AIDS, and health; pain management and patient behavior, complementary and alternative medicine, health psychology across the life span. Offered Fall.

Prerequisites: PSY 1010-6999

HE 6000 Yoga: History, Philosophy, and Practice Cr. 3

The in-depth study of yoga history, philosophy, research, and ethics, as well as the physical and mental practice, used for self-care as well as introducing professional training. Offered Every Term.

HE 6050 Mindfulness: Philosophy, Theory, Practice, and Research Cr. 3

The in-depth study of mindfulness history, theory, research, and practice used for self-development and self-care. The course prepares students to successfully complete an optional Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training and receive a MBSR certificate of completion. Offered Every Term.

HE 6100 Health Communication Methods and Techniques Cr. 3

Provides students with a framework for identifying, understanding, creating and evaluating health communication efforts. Focus will be on multilevel health communication and behavior change, factors affecting communication and the development of effective materials. Offered Intermittently.

HE 6200 Yoga and Mindfulness in Professional Practice Cr. 3

Introduction to yoga and mindfulness as applied to professional settings. Topics will include the research on and availability of yoga & mindfulness programs in a variety of professions, how to design a yoga and/or mindfulness program in varied settings, and also a discussion of concerns, ethics, self-care, and scope of practice. Offered Every Term.

Prerequisite: HE 6000 with a minimum grade of C and HE 6050 with a minimum grade of C

HE 6310 Reproductive Health Education Cr. 3

Program planning, curriculum development and classroom teaching strategies in the areas of human sexuality, reproductive health and venereal disease, family planning and family health. Course will satisfy Michigan Department of Education requirements for teaching in these areas. Offered Fall.

HE 6320 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Cr. 3

Identification, treatment, and prevention of mental health/substance abuse problems. How school-age children and their families are affected by these problems; role of the teacher. Offered Fall, Winter.

HE 6330 Health Behavior Change Cr. 3

Principles of behavior modification; theories of health behavior and program planning as they relate to health promotion and wellness. Offered Fall, Winter.

Prerequisites: PSY 1010-6999 and (AFS 2390 with a minimum grade of C, ENG 2390 with a minimum grade of C, ENG 3010 with a minimum grade of C, ENG 3020 with a minimum grade of C, or ENG 3050 with a minimum grade of C)

HE 6340 Advanced Concepts in Health Cr. 3

An in-depth study of health content areas taught in the K-12 school system. Offered Every Other Year.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Health & Phys Ed Teaching.

HE 6360 Performance Based Assessment Cr. 3

Assessment and evaluative techniques applied to health education, including test construction and performance-based assessment. Designed to meet assessment and evaluative competencies required for entry-level health teachers in Michigan. Offered Spring/Summer.

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.

HE 6420 Introduction to Health Education Program Design Cr. 3

Overview of health education program process in all practice settings. Introduction to needs assessment, objective writing, staff training, and evaluation in health education. Offered Every Other Year.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HE 6500 Secondary Health Methods Cr. 3

Principles, curriculum development and techniques in teaching health grades 6-12. Offered Fall.

Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.

HE 6501 Measurement and Evaluation in Community Health Education Cr. 3

Frameworks, principles, models and strategies for evaluating health education programs. Offered Fall.

Prerequisites: HE 4010 with a minimum grade of C or HE 6420 with a minimum grade of C

HE 6530 Principles and Practice of Health Education and Health Promotion Cr. 3

Principles, resources and practical application of community health education in various settings, with emphasis on the role of the community health education specialist. Offered Every Other Year.

HE 6560 Integrating Evidence-Based Practices in Community Health: Translating Research-To-Practice Cr. 3

Integrating evidence-based practices into community health settings is recognized as the foundational gold standard for improving population health and is a key skill required of community health specialists. This course will examine approaches, including theories and frameworks, which can be utilized to guide the effective translation of evidence-based community health interventions into practice. It will also help prepare students to identify and implement best practices that are theory-based, evidence-based, community-based, and reality-based. Offered Intermittently.

HE 6570 Advancing Community Health and Health Equity Cr. 3

Examines approaches in policy and advocacy to advance health equity and community health. Social and public health injustices among key populations will be reviewed and the saliency of policy and advocacy advancement strategies to improve health of disenfranchised populations will be discussed and assessed. Offered Intermittently.

HE 7051 Measurement and Evaluation in Community Health Education Cr. 3

Frameworks, principles, models and strategies for evaluating health education programs. Offered Every Other Year.

Prerequisite: HE 6420 with a minimum grade of C

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HE 7200 Grant Writing and Management in Health Sciences Cr. 3

Provides a hands-on approach to grant writing for health sciences programs. Strategies and tactics for seeking out, developing and managing proposals for health programs will be discussed. Offered Every Other Year.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

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